samedi 19 août 2023

U.S (Democracy for America Advocacy Fund) : No to Endless War ! Repeal the AUTHORIZATION USE OF MILITARY FORCE now !



 Democracy for America Advocacy Fund






A bipartisan Senate has voted to repeal the 2002 Authorization for Use of Military Force, the law that enabled President Bush to invade Iraq, creating a decade of violence and suffering based on lies that Iraq held non-existent “Weapons of Mass Destruction.”  

Now a hawkish right-wing minority in the House is working to prevent a clean repeal of the Authorization, seeking instead to replace it with new war-making powers, this time to be used against Iran.

We've seen this pattern before. It is now well documented that lies got us into not only Iraq, but the Vietnam War as well. It’s a well-worn playbook used to lay the groundwork for conflict after conflict -- use lies to escalate the fear, manipulate the law, and build up the military presence.

This time, we won’t let them do it. Send a message to your Congressional Representative urging them to pass a clean repeal of the 2002 AUMF. Don’t “replace” the authorization with new powers to carry on “endless war” in the Middle East!


The House is currently in recess, so while this small but vocal group of warmongers tries to re-open the gates to war, we need to contact all our Representatives first. We need to let them know that Americans do not support Endless War as our default policy.

The “Repeal and Replace” language is sheep’s clothing for the warmongers' wolverine policies, authorizing a new, unnecessary war in the Middle East. War with Iran would not be a trivial deal. The costs to the U.S. and the Iranian people in lives and treasure would be catastrophic.

“Repeal and replace” is simply a backdoor authorization to war with Iran. Join us in calling on the House to fix our mistakes -- not repeat them.

Click here to tell your Representative to pass a clean repeal of the 2002 AUMF now!

Thank you for helping to prevent a return to disastrous policies and never-ending wars.

Amanda Ford, Director
Democracy for America
Advocacy Fund.

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Democracy for America Advocacy Fund

PO Box 8521, Essex Junction VT 05451

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