samedi 31 juillet 2021

Brésil : Le CONGRES de BOLSONARO est sur le point de voter une nouvelle loi qui forcera les tribus indigènes à quitter leurs terres en AMAZONIE.






Le Congrès brésilien de Bolsonaro est sur le point de voter une nouvelle loi qui forcera les tribus indigènes à quitter leurs terres et offrira le cœur de l'Amazonie aux industriels de la viande et du bois. 


Opposez-vous à la légalisation de ce génocide !




Les alliés du président Bolsonaro au Congrès brésilien veulent faire adopter une loi qui ouvrira le cœur de l'Amazonie à des projets industriels dévastateurs et légalisera l'expulsion de tribus indigènes de leurs terres ancestrales.


Bolsonaro pousse le projet de loi 490/2007, qui légalisera tout simplement le génocide. Cette loi pourrait être votée à tout moment par le Congrès.


Mais il y a de l'espoir. Même les politiciens les plus cupides se soucient de leur image et nous pouvons leur mettre la pression pour soutenir les militants indigènes qui luttent contre cette nouvelle loi.


Montrons au Congrès brésilien que des personnes du monde entier s'opposent au génocide des peuples indigènes et à la destruction de l'Amazonie - ensemble, nous pouvons faire pencher la balance.




Rejoignez plus de 6000 membres de SumOfUs au Brésil pour dire aux parlementaires brésiliens de rejeter le projet de loi 490/2007.




L'une des exigences les plus obscènes de ce projet de loi - une disposition conçue pour garantir que les tribus isolées seront expulsées de leurs foyers - est l'obligation pour elles de présenter des preuves qu'elles habitaient leurs terres avant la promulgation de la Constitution brésilienne de 1988.


Pour les personnes qui ont vécu sans contact avec les lois et les registres de la culture coloniale, cette obligation est, par définition, impossible à respecter. Les dés sont pipés en faveur des industriels de la viande et du bois.


Les guerriers autochtones, qui se battent simplement pour leur droit d’exister, protestent depuis plusieurs jours à Brasilia. Ils ont été violemment attaqués par la police brésilienne avec des balles en caoutchouc et des gaz lacrymogènes.


Rejoignez-les pour empêcher l'effacement des peuples originels de l'Amazonie et la destruction de son écosystème forestier irremplaçable.




Exigez que Bolsonaro et les parlementaires brésiliens renoncent au projet de loi 490/2007.




Ensemble, les membres de SumOfUs peuvent stopper les dirigeants et les politiciens les plus cupides dans leurs élans. Notre pression fonctionne. Nous avons déjà remporté d'importantes victoires contre certaines des plus grandes entreprises du monde : Apple, Amazon et Facebook.


Soyons maintenant solidaires des peuples indigènes d'Amazonie contre les industriels de la viande et du bois qui chuchotent aux oreilles du président Bolsonaro !













Merci pour tout ce que vous faites,





Flora, Ibrahim et l'équipe de SumOfUs












































Plus d'informations :











SumOfUs est une communauté de personnes engagées pour contrebalancer le pouvoir grandissant des entreprises à travers le monde. Nous voulons acheter, travailler et investir dans des entreprises qui ne nuisent pas à l’environnement, traitent convenablement leurs salariés et respectent les droits humains. Et nous n’avons aucune crainte à nous lever contre ces entreprises quand elles ne se conforment pas à ces principes.


Aidez SumOfUs à renforcer ses campagnes en faisant un don de 3 € ou devenez un membre-clé en optant pour un don mensuel régulier.


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U.S (Color Of Change) : Prosecutors should do this for BLACK MOTHERS.















Here's the thing : medical terrorism has always been used to perpetuate and enforce racist assumptions about Black women and their bodies.


Look no further than James Marion Sims, also known as the "Father of Gynecology." Sims regularly performed forced surgeries, without anesthesia, on enslaved women under the guise of science.


Followers of this work embraced notions that Black women had a higher tolerance for pain when receiving medical treatment while ignoring that these women were forcibly restrained under threat of death for these procedures. Such stereotypes have informed contemporary medical racism.


Today, Black women in the United States face a maternal health crisis. Regardless of factors like higher education or financial means, Black mothers are three to four times more likely to die from pregnancy or childbirth-related causes than white mothers -- the widest of all racial disparities in women’s health. These deaths are preventable, and their causes are rooted in structural racism, not race.


As a result, Black pregnant people are exponentially more likely to experience devastating pregnancy outcomes. There are hundreds of pregnant people who’ve been criminalized and arrested for actions that include things like taking legal drugs prescribed by their doctor, having a miscarriage, addiction, getting into a car accident, and even falling down the stairs.


Dear friend, we're fighting back, but first, we need your help. Now is your chance to take your support to the next level. Because with your help, we can continue to put pressure on prosecutors and elected officials who have the power to ensure no one is thrown in jail based on a pregnancy outcome.  












When our people get access to the reproductive healthcare we need, we thrive. That starts with demanding the solutions that will aid in the healing and prioritization of our reproductive autonomy. This includes a world in which our people are treated with dignity, and free to make choices about our own bodies.


We deserve meaningful options regarding where, how, and with whom we will give birth, in a person-centered, anti-racist model of care. We deserve the support of midwives, doulas, and perinatal services that are fully integrated into the maternal care system. Law enforcement including prosecutors has no place in pregnancy decisions. With your help, we can continue our fight calling on them to say NO to criminalizing Black mothers.
















Until justice is real, 





Erika, Rashad, Arisha, Scott, Malachi, Megan, Ernie, Palika, Madison, Trevor, Ariel, Erick, Ana, McKayla, Kristiana, and the Color Of Change team.








































ColorOfChange is building a movement to elevate the voices of Black folks and our allies, and win real social and political change.









U.S : Why is Donald TRUMP a free man ?




Tell President Biden :

The United States Department of Justice must hold Trump officials accountable ! Stop letting them off the hook and prosecute Wilbur Ross and any other Trump Administration officials who have committed crimes.






The Department of Justice under Trump's handpicked Attorney General chose not to prosecute former Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, even though an inspector general found evidence they provided false testimony about the origins of the proposed citizenship question on the 2020 census.


Now it's up to Merrick Garland to decide whether the DOJ will prosecute the crimes committed during the Trump administration. We need accountability for the Trump years -- and the DOJ has a critical role to play in making this happen.




Sign the petition: The DOJ must hold Trump officials accountable! Stop letting them off the hook.




We know there was consistent chaos and rule-breaking across the Trump years, but what exactly did Wilbur Ross do ? That's a great question.


In 2019, the Commerce inspector general launched its probe into Ross following a request from a group of Senators, including Elizabeth Warren, Chuck Schumer, and Kamala Harris. The Senators said in their letter that Wilbur Ross and other Trump officials played a "substantive role" in proposing the addition of the citizenship question to the 2020 Census.


Senators were concerned that adding a citizenship question to the Census would deter non-citizens from participating in the census. As we know, the census is critical for ensuring that resources are allocated fairly across the country and that we have strong representation in Congress. Eventually the Supreme Court ruled against Ross and the Trump Administration and blocked the citizenship question from the Census.


Ross twice told Congress the addition of the citizenship question was based solely on a request from the Justice Department, but the inspector general found Ross "misrepresented the full rationale" behind the decision. The IG's findings follow emails that clearly demonstrate the role Ross, the White House and other Commerce officials played well before the DOJ became involved in the matter, making it abundantly clear that Ross may have lied directly to Congress.2


When Trump officials so blatantly misled Congress to further their hateful agenda, Merrick Garland must not allow his Department of Justice to let them off the hook.


We need to send a clear message that the American people want full accountability for government officials who broke the law.




Add your name: Merrick Garland, the DOJ must hold Trump officials accountable!










Team Progress.


U.S : Will you make a donation to the NDRC today to help us keep fighting for a democracy that works for everyone ?










Dear friend, the stakes in this year’s redistricting process couldn’t be higher.The integrity of our democratic system is at risk -- but we also have an opportunity to finally make our democracy work for everyone. Here’s what John Legend had to say :

John Legend -- This year’s redistricting process provides us with an opportunity to turn the page to a new chapter in our country -- one where our democracy works for everyone.
Help the NDRC fight for fair maps!


The NDRC is working around the clock to stop Republicans from drawing themselves into unearned majorities for the next decade.We’re mobilizing our grassroots army in favor of fair maps across the country, calling attention to the redistricting process in several key states, and if necessary, planning to support plaintiffs in lawsuits to protect the redistricting process. And that's just the start.

But none of our work is possible without you -- and since the redistricting process has already begun, we can’t afford to start falling behind now !

Will you make a donation to the NDRC today to help us keep fighting for a democracy that works for everyone ?






If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately :











Team NDRC.




A.G. Holder: If the NDRC is successful in undoing manipulated maps, we will be able to achieve a system in which everyone's vote counts.
Since 2017, the NDRC has executed a comprehensive redistricting strategy that shifts the redistricting power, creating fair districts where Democrats can compete. Our victories have been made possible by our strong community of grassroots supporters.

National Democratic Redistricting Committee.

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National Democratic Redistricting Committee
700 13th Street NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20005
United States