samedi 31 décembre 2022

en janvier, à Paris, le CERCLE ALIENOR.





 Avec nos meilleurs vœux pour 2023 !





Cercle de poésie et d'esthétique Jacques G. Krafft



a l'honneur de vous inviter à la séance du



Samedi 14 janvier 2023 à 16 h 15 précises



à la Brasserie Lipp (salle du 1er étage)

151, Boulevard Saint-Germain à Paris 6ème




Judith GAUTIER (1845-1917)

Une femme affranchie

(romancière et poétesse)









Le Comité Aliénor

 Consulter notre site :






Séance suivante, le 11 février 2023 :


U.S ( Vera Institute of Justice ) : RIKERS ISLAND is a “torture chamber”.



 Progress America

The horrific conditions on Rikers Island persist. We need change now. Make a gift today.




Incarcerated people forced to sit in soiled clothes for hours, men locked in shower stalls that have been turned into cells—these are just some of the horrific experiences documented by officials in charge of enforcing safe operations at New York City jails like Rikers Island.

For decades, stories have emerged documenting Rikers Island's abuse, brutality, and constant loss of life. People who have experienced it call it a “torture chamber.”

Waiting to go to court should NEVER be a death sentence. Vera and our partners can put pressure on public officials to decarcerate Rikers Island—and save lives. But we need your help >> 

Vera fights for a safer and more humane environment for people held in all jails and prisons, and we help support a nationwide move toward decarceration so that fewer people ever find themselves locked up. Your support powers the work of our team’s advocates, researchers, and policy experts committed to transforming the criminal legal system until it is fair for all.

Make a gift to Vera today, and you will be supporting the research and advocacy needed to create real solutions to end mass incarceration >>

In solidarity, 


Vera Institute of Justice.










Vera Institute of Justice







The memory and Legacy of John Lewis remind us that every fight for the advancement of civil rights has been met with resistance and requires all of us to come together to demand change.

The Good Trouble Department was created with this in mind. Hip Hop CaucusGood Trouble Department is where our civil and human rights activism come together to shape the movement and mobilize people.

This year, our Good Trouble Department held a rally advocating for student debt cancellation, and engaged activists to sign our Democracy Reform Agenda to push us closer to liberation.

In 2023, we’re going to keep pushing to defund the police, protect the lives and dignity of immigrants, stand up for fair housing and quality education, and never give up in the fight to create a more just society. 


But, friend, a more just society won’t come without Good Trouble. Chip in $5 today and help Hip Hop Caucus make some!




For future generations, 



Hip Hop Caucus






U.S (MAKE THE ROAD NEW YORK) : Celebrating 25 years, and looking forward to the critical work ahead.




25 years of fierce organizing, winning transformative policy solutions, and offering services...


Dear friend,


Make the Road New York was recently celebrating our 25th anniversary ! That’s 25 years of fierce organizing for dignity and justice alongside immigrant and working class communities, winning transformative policy solutions that benefit millions, and offering services to provide safety, comfort, and community. 

We are so grateful for your support – whether you’ve been with us since the beginning or have joined more recently – we could not do this work without you. Thanks to your support, we’ve been able to achieve important victories over the last 25 years. 

However, we still have a long way to go in these fights for affordable housing, immigrant justice, accessible healthcare, and so much more.

As we look ahead to the future we can, and must, build together. We hope you will continue to support our work.

Stay tuned for upcoming ways to celebrate this momentous occasion with us !



Jose Lopez, Arlenis Morel, and Theo Oshiro, Co-Executive Directors.



Support Our Work Today!

Make the Road New York (MRNY) builds the power of immigrant and working class communities to achieve dignity and justice through organizing, policy innovation, transformative education, and survival services. We have 24,000+ members and operate five community centers in Bushwick, Brooklyn; Jackson Heights, Queens; Port Richmond, Staten Island; Brentwood, Long Island; and White Plains, Westchester County.
Follow us on social media : 

Visit our website : 

Have any questions ? Reach out to us at : communications@

Copyright © 2022, All rights reserved.

Make The Road New York

301 Grove Street

Brooklyn, NY 11237

U.S (SUNRISE MOVEMENT) : What is a climate emergency ?




Progress America







With many parts of the country still thawing out from an unprecedented polar vortex that left thousands without power over the holiday season, it is becoming increasingly difficult for governments to ignore the looming climate crisis.

Climate change is no longer a distant future problem; it’s here. We need bold action to protect our planet and ensure its future.

That’s why we’re calling for President Biden to formally declare a climate emergency : By declaring a national climate emergency, Biden can unlock emergency executive powers, which are already granted by Congress, to combat the crisis to the fullest extent possible.

With a divided Congress, executive action may be one of the only choices the federal government has left to fight off the worst of the climate crisis. We want Biden to know that all eyes are still on him and we need him to use all the tools he can to declare a climate emergency and use his executive power to stop climate devastation. Will you sign our petition to Biden to amp up the pressure to declare a climate emergency?

In the first few months of the Biden administration, we saw positive changes being implemented – we saw a suite of executive actions on climate, President Biden rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement, and he stopped plans for drilling in the Arctic Refuge. His action on climate, including passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) has been a step in the right direction.

But friend , all of that happened because of the pressure we applied. And his legacy isn’t set in the stone. Just recently, President Biden backed Manchin's fossil fuel permitting deal — a Dirty Deal designed by and for the fossil fuel industry to make it easier and faster to get permits for fossil fuel projects. Whose side is he really on ?

To secure his legacy on climate,  President Biden needs to take bold action by declaring a climate emergency. If all of us show Biden that we’re not easing up on our demands, he’ll take action. Will you add your name on our petition to Biden today?

Thanking you for taking action, 


John Paul, Sunrise.








Sunrise Movement

Stop au massacre des requins !




MCA : Mobilisation pour la cause animale par MesOpinions
Alerte Mobilisation !

Stop au massacre des requins !
Stop au massacre des requins !
    Je signe en un clic    

Depuis des années, les scientifiques du monde entier interpellent le gouvernement sur la situation critique de la population des requins.

Beaucoup redoutée, cette espèce est bien souvent tuée, à tort.

Sa mauvaise réputation et la pêche participent à l'extinction de l’espèce.

À la Réunion, notamment, les requin-tigres sont tués alors que cette espèce est absolument inoffensive et n’a jamais été impliquée dans des attaques.

Avec le requin bouledogue, ils font désormais partie des espèces menacées d’extinction.

Il faut savoir que si on élimine complètement ces espèces qui sont à la tête de la chaîne alimentaire à la Réunion, d’autres requins ou poissons prendront leur place. Ainsi, les éradiquer ne revient qu’à déplacer le problème sur une autre espèce.

Malgré que ces deux espèces soient reconnues comme menacées, la pression effectuée par des commerçants, des pêcheurs et des politiciens locaux à amené le préfet à détruire systématiquement TOUS les requin-tigres et bouledogues dans les eaux de la Réunion depuis 2014.

Mais le nombre d’accidents reste le même, car d’une part, on s’en prend aux espèces inoffensives, et d’autre part si l’on décidait d’éradiquer les espèces de requins à l’origine des attaques, nous avons vu ci-dessus que cela serait inutile mais également très dangereux écologiquement et économiquement.

Les requins bouledogues et les requin-tigres sont des espèces migratrices, et ne vivent donc pas exclusivement à la Réunion.

Ainsi, massacrer les requins à la Réunion, c’est également massacrer l’ensemble de la population de requins bouledogues de l’Océan Indien, et l’ensemble de la population de requin-tigres de l’Indo-Pacifique.

Alors ensemble disons stop à cela !

Dans certains coins de la Réunion, des moyens plus doux ont été mis en place pour ne pas tuer les requins, mais simplement les éloigner des côtes.

Il faut appliquer cela partout, tuer n’est pas la solution, c’est même tout le contraire !

Signez et partagez la pétition pour la protection des requins.

Photo : Article

    Je signe en un clic    
    Voir la pétition    
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vendredi 30 décembre 2022

Gillian GENEVIÈVE (Moris).






Entre souffle

Et chair

La où le temps




Je me laisse faire

Par le feu qui survient

Par ton silence

Par ton regard



Et puis

Une fois encore

Plus libre que la parole

Et le soleil




Tu t’émancipes

Du destin

Et de la peur



Et tu éconduis

Les rumeurs

En glissant

Ta main dans la mienne



Et dans la torsion

Des sentiments

Alors que nos cœurs




Je réponds

A l’envoûtement

Toute mémoire




Par un baiser

A ciel ouvert

