mercredi 16 août 2023

U.S (HIP HOP CAUCUS) : The minimum wage hasn’t been raised since 2009.






The federal government has not raised the minimum wage since 2009. That’s the longest period of a stagnant wage since the very first minimum wage in 1938.

This is not sustainable. According to the Economic Policy Institute, the minimum wage has lost 27 percent of its purchasing power due to the skyrocketing costs of living. Folks are working more and more hours just to see it go less and less far.

And it’s no secret that this reality affects working class communities and people of color the most. Without generational wealth or a safety net, people are forced into a cycle of debt and poverty just to afford the basic necessities. This is not how things should be in the wealthiest nation on the planet.

There’s hope for change. Members of Congress have proposed legislation to raise the minimum wage to $17 an hour – which is what experts have estimated needs to happen to restore the average person’s purchasing power. Will you sign on as a grassroots supporter of this legislation?


Together, we can uplift working families, protect the dignity of working people, and work towards a future where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

For Future Generations, 


Hip Hop Caucus.




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