jeudi 13 juillet 2023

U.S (CORI BUSH FOR CONGRESS) : Support a fair and independent judiciary; Impeach Clarence THOMAS !



 Cori Bush for Congress






I was the first member of the House Judiciary Committee to call for the impeachment of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, and I’m not going to stop organizing to make it happen. We must not only expand the Court, but also hold its judges accountable to legal and ethical standards.

There are so many reasons Clarence Thomas must be impeached. He should never have been confirmed in the first place, given his history of sexual harassment and abuse. Once on the Court, he has shown complete and utter disregard for ethical standards and legal requirements, time and time again.

He has exploited his position of power to subsidize a life of luxury. Cruises on a mega-yacht, international flights on a private jet, vacations at private resorts, undisclosed gifts worth literally millions of dollars -- the list goes on and on. Thomas may well have violated federal disclosure laws, but these have not been his only ethical lapses, or even his most serious.

In a bald-faced repudiation of his ethical obligations, Clarence Thomas has repeatedly failed to recuse himself when he faced clear conflicts of interest, which relate to his decades-long attacks on marginalized communities through rulings undermining our democracy, overturning Roe v. Wade, allowing discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals, and ending affirmative action in college admissions -- to highlight only a few of the worst.

Justice Thomas has shown he cannot rule with impartiality, and his presence on the bench continues to damage the legitimacy of the U.S. Supreme Court and harm our communities. We cannot tolerate these abuses any longer. Join with me and sign the petition calling for the impeachment of Justice Clarence Thomas now.


Many of Justice Thomas’ conflicts of interest involve the activities of his wife, Ginni Thomas, who actively advocated for the overthrow of the government with dozens of state legislators and directly to then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.

Yet Thomas continued to hear Supreme Court cases related to the 2021 insurrection, and his was the only dissenting vote against requiring former President Trump to provide subpoenaed White House documents to the House Select Committee on the January 6th Attack.

Nor was this the only instance in which Thomas’ judicial decisions were in lockstep with the conservative political activism of his wife. In 2000, she was working with George W. Bush’s transition team when he ruled to stop the vote recounts and hand the presidency to Bush in Bush v. Gore.

In 2012, his wife was being paid to lobby for the repeal of the Affordable Care Act at the same time he voted against it. And in 2017, his wife worked for an organization that supported Trump’s ban on Muslim travelers and refugees, even as he voted for it.

Time and again, Justice Clarence Thomas has ruled against the public interest and against the will of the people, for his own gain.

Clarence Thomas has violated the public’s trust, eroded our fundamental rights, and corruptly exploited his position of power. Click here to join me in my efforts to impeach Justice Clarence Thomas now.

Thank you for taking action to support a fair and independent judiciary that actually protects our rights and our democracy.

With love, 



Cori Bush for Congress

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