samedi 15 août 2020

U.S (COLOR OF CHANGE) : You stood with us to demand corporate accountability. Multiply your impact by telling your friends now.

Dear friend,

Last week, you stood with nearly 50,000 Color Of Change supporters to demand corporations like Target, Starbucks, and Wells Fargo divest from police foundations. Thank you !

We know from experience that corporations won’t change their ways unless their profits and reputations are at stake. We also know that there’s strength in numbers — and that's why we need your help to continue spreading the word.

Here's how you can help us demand corporations divest from policing :
Corporations respond to pressure from their customers, and we need to make sure they're listening. After you record and upload your video, we'll use the video on social media to create public pressure on the corporations. We'll also send it back to you to share and inform your friends and family too. Talking points included below, and we encourage you to speak from your personal experience ! 
2. Share the petition on Twitter and Facebook now. 
As we continue to put pressure on corporations to stop propping up overmilitarized police foundations, we'll need your help to share our petition on social media. Click here to tweet and click here to share on Facebook instantly. 

Dear friend, Color Of Change is ramping up the pressure on corporations to demand they put their money where their mouth is and divest from police foundations. 

Sunlight is the best disinfectant — and the more people that know about corporate-sponsored police foundations and the violence they enable, the more likely these corporations are to divest.

So whether you record a video, share the petition on Facebook or Twitter, or call out the corporations directly on social media, we can't win this fight without help from people like you.

Thank you for taking action with us, dear friend.

Until justice is real,

Scott and the rest of the Color Of Change team.



A) Police foundations funnel private money to police departments, funding surveillance equipment, military weapons, salary bonuses, and more. Much of this money comes from corporations like Target, Verizon, Goldman Sachs, and Bank of America.
B) Not only do these corporations donate to police foundations -- some of their CEOs and top executives sit on the police foundation boards.
C) Corporations cannot claim to care about their Black and Brown customers while simultaneously funding police foundations that prop up overmilitarized police departments.  
D) End your video by calling on the corporation -- Goldman Sachs, Bank of AmericaVerizon, AT&T, Motorola, Coke, Starbucks, Target, Chevron, or Shell -- to stop funding police foundations and refuse any positions on police foundation boards !

PLEASE READ : Video Recording Tips

1. You should aim to make your video 1 minute 30 seconds or less ! If you try recording and it cuts you off, please record again.
2. You can record your video on your phone or your computer. If you do it on your phone, it's best to record it directly on your phone's camera app and then try to upload it by clicking "Upload Your Video" on the video page.

Sometimes the video files are too large to upload, and it may be taking a long time. If this happens, you can upload the video to Google Drive by following these directions and email it to

3. Record in a place with good lighting and without too much background noise

Color Of Change is building a movement to elevate the voices of Black folks and our allies, and win real social and political change. Please help keep our movement strong.

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