mercredi 5 août 2020

U.S : Demand NEW YORK STATE #MakeBillionairesPay to save lives.

Dear friend,

President Trump and the federal response to COVID-19 has been a failure. Across the country, people are depending on municipal and state budgets to make sure we survive. We need our governments to allocate resources to housing, services, and care. What our government does with resources matters--especially in times of crisis.

Right now we're facing record homeless and unemployment numbers, on top of the health crisis. Without help millions of New Yorkers will be ruined. The organizations low-income people depend on have not been funded by our state in months. The subsequent layoffs and reduction of services has already resulted in less life-saving services for people who use drugs and are homeless. Tragically, if our elected officials don't take other critical actions like cancelling rent or providing critical financial support, more New Yorkers will find themselves needing these vital services.

But we're not all in the same boat. New York is now home to 119 billionaires. During the pandemic they’ve raked in $77 billion more in wealth. With the money they’ve profited on the backs of Black and Brown New Yorkers, we could close New York’s budget gap FIVE TIMES.

Governor Cuomo says that unless the federal government delivers $14 billion this year, we'll face devastating cuts. Over three years, he says our state's deficit could reach $60 billion. 

But there's another way -- #MakeBillionairesPay. Taxes on the ultra-rich could raise $35 billion per year to fund housing, services, and care.

As homelessness and overdose rise -- and as a harm reduction, mental health, and other services shutter--New York State must make saving lives their priority. Demand Governor Cuomo and the New York State legislature #MakeBillionairesPay and invest in our communities to end homelessness, the overdose crisis, and growing income inequality destroying our state.

In solidarity,


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