jeudi 23 mai 2024

MARS and LINDT, clean up your cocoa supply chain ! NO MORE CHILD LABOUR IN CHOCOLATE ! (EKO).


M&M’s and Lindor chocolate are filled with cocoa harvested by small children.

A new EU law puts them on the spot, but it will take years to implement. Both candy giants don’t want their high quality chocolate being linked to child labour, so let’s demand they clean up their supply chains NOW.


Candy makers Mars and Lindt make millions off of their M&m’s and Lindor chocolate… made with cocoa harvested by five-year olds ! A new EU law puts these candy giants on the spot – but they’re already looking for excuses and loopholes. That’s our cue !

Both the US and Swiss chocolate giants say fighting child labour is their top priority, but recent reports connect cocoa from multiple plantations using child labour to their supply chains. 

The EU’s new due diligence law requires corporations to eliminate child and slave labour in supply chains for things like cocoa — it's a huge chance for change, but only if we pressure Lindt and Mars to act and not evade.

Let’s use the momentum of the law officially passing – add your voice now :

Mars and Lindt: Clean up your cocoa supply chain – no more child labour in chocolate

CBS and the Swiss public broadcaster report how countless children, some barely school-aged, have to do heavy physical labour on Ghana's cocoa plantations instead of playing or going to school — just so their families can put food on their tables.

There are multiple factors at play, from far too low prices paid for cocoa to the increasing demand for chocolate, but major players like Mars and Lindt do have it in their hands to clean up their supply chain and kick off systemic change.

And now with the new EU due diligence directive (CSDDD), it’s 100% up to these companies to make sure their supply chains adhere to the latest environmental and human rights standards. Importing cocoa linked to child labour would get them into trouble BIG TIME.

Mars and Lindt might think they still have time to comply until the new directive is officially implemented on national law level, but that’s just a foul delay tactic. We as a global community are here to remind them that consumers care and they better start NOW.

Add your name to call on Mars and Lindt: No more child labour in our chocolate

We’ve done this before : We helped Kellogg’s and PepsiCo eliminate deforestation and slave labour in their palm oil supply chains — and have nagged Nestlé for years to cut out child labour from their cocoa supplies. As consumers of these commodities we have a say in how companies source them — let’s do it with Mars and Lindt again.


Thanks for all that you do,

Rosa, Olivia, and the team at Ekō.

More information :

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