mercredi 16 juin 2021

U.S (Color Of Change) : REPUBLICANS are trying to TAKE AWAY our RIGHT TO VOTE.








Dear friend,




If you’re reading this, your voting rights are probably under attack.


Since the 2020 election, Republican lawmakers in 48 states have introduced voter suppression laws, which have already passed in more than a dozen states. Color of Change is running campaigns in states across the country to fight voter suppression. Our team is also working to pass the For the People Act, a bill that would roll back racist voter suppression and prevent states from passing new restrictive laws.


At Color Of Change, we don’t take donations from corporations. We depend on support from members to drive our campaigns to protect our democracy and expand voting rights across the country.




You’ve supported our campaigns in the past. Can we count on you to contribute $25 to keep our democracy campaigns going strong?












These attacks on our democracy are serious :

  • Last week, Texas Republicans tried to pass a voter suppression bill that targeted many of the methods used to register and mobilize Black and brown voters. Texas Democrats were able to successfully delay the bill, but the Republican Governor sent a clear message that he will do everything in his power to make sure it passes.
  • 14 states have already passed laws that have shortened the window for absentee voting, restricted the eligibility of early voting, or made it easier for election officials to contest the results of election
  • States like Arizona and Georgia are conducting fraudulent “audits” into their certified election results


Color Of Change is leading campaigns to fight voter suppression in states across the country — including Arizona, Georgia, and Texas.




Dear friend, will you make a contribution today to support our campaigns to combat voter suppression?







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Until Justice is Real,





Scott, Rashad, Arisha, Megan, Erika, Malachi, Ernie, Palika, Madison, Ariel, Trevor, Ana, McKayla, and the rest of the Color Of Change team.




Color Of Change is building a movement to elevate the voices of Black folks and our allies, and win real social and political change. Please help keep our movement strong.

Make a Donation






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