jeudi 25 avril 2024





In the spirit of this Earth Week’s "Planet vs. Plastics" theme, the fourth round of Global Plastics Treaty negotiations (INC-4) have begun today in Ottawa, Canada. More than 227,000 activists are calling for a robust treaty to reduce plastic production, protect the environment, and uphold human rights. Will you stand with us ?

Add your name to the urgent petition calling for a strong Global Plastics Treaty.

Demand a strong Global Plastics Treaty | Sign the petition

As talks kick off today, here are answers to three frequently asked questions about these vital negotiations :


What is INC-4 and why is it important ?

This week marks the fourth of five UN International Negotiating Committee meetings where leaders from around the world are gathering to discuss a legally binding agreement to effectively tackle the global plastics crisis — making it one of the last opportunities to ensure meaningful progress. The outcomes of this week’s discussions could shape global environmental policy for years to come.

What could a strong Global Plastics Treaty achieve ?

An ambitious treaty would legally confront the full life cycle of plastics — from production to pollution. Research has shown that varied policies like mandating minimum recycled content in new products, reducing single-use packaging, and investing in waste infrastructure have the power to dramatically reduce pollution and reliance on fossil fuels. Without action, we’re on course to triple plastic production by 2060. 

What can I do about it? 

The decisions made this week will echo for generations, and time is running out to demand change. Sign the petition and help us put pressure on leaders to act with ambition to deliver a treaty that comprehensively alters the course of the global plastics crisis. 


Thank you for using your voice to make the world a better place. 

For a healthier planet,

The Only One Team.

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