dimanche 25 juillet 2021









As a nation and as an environmental movement, we owe it to Indigenous Peoples to address past oppression and support the rights of Tribes today. Furthermore, we are in a biodiversity, climate, and environmental justice crisis that can only be solved when Tribes are treated as the sovereign nations that they are. Indigenous Peoples care for and protect 80 percent of the world’s biodiversity and are implementing some of the world’s most cutting-edge climate mitigation and adaptation programs. Our environmental advocacy must include advocacy for Indigenous rights.




Ask President Biden to require consultation with Tribes before approving projects that could be environmentally harmful.




We saw first-hand the consequences of failing to consult with Tribes earlier this year in Wisconsin. The State hurried to approve a wolf hunting and trapping season–leaving Tribal voices out of the process. This mismanagement led to the devastating slaughter of one-third of the wolves in the state in just three days.




Tell President Biden that Tribal voices can not be ignored and must be a part of planning processes.




Right now, Indigenous Peoples and allies are transporting a 25-foot, 5,000-pound totem pole from Washington state to Washington DC, stopping at sacred sites along the way to call for immediate action to protect these lands. This journey, the Red Road to DC, is led by the House of Tears carvers of Lummi Nation.  




Stand in solidarity with these activists by signing the petition: President Biden must strengthen environmental protections and honor Native Nations’ rights to Free, Prior, & Informed Consent.




Thank you for your commitment to wildlife and wild places.








Leda Huta
Executive Director

Endangered Species Coalition

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PS. Links not working ? Please sign the petition at this URL : https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/support-and-uphold-native-peoples-free-prior-informed-consent?source=direct_link&referrer=group-endangered-species-coalition












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