jeudi 7 avril 2022

U.S : Block DEJOY's bad deal !




Tell Congress :

“Block DeJoy’s bad deal ! The USPS contract must require at least 75% electric trucks.”











Trump’s handpicked Postmaster General Louis DeJoy is once again weaponizing USPS to harm our communities.


Under his leadership, the U.S. Postal Service just finalized plans to purchase up to 148,000 mail delivery trucks from Oshkosh Defense  90% of them powered by gasoline-fueled combustion engines expected to get just 8 miles per gallon.


Pollution from these heavy trucks with combustion engines will directly impact Black and Brown communities. Black and Brown mail carriers are affected by vehicle idling, and those exhausts harm our communities by increasing levels of air pollution.




SIGN ON: Tell Congress to block DeJoy’s bad deal!




President Biden set a goal of converting all federal cars and trucks to clean power, but if DeJoy goes through with this deal, a third of the government’s fleet of vehicles would be going against this initiative and undercut the nation’s climate goals.


Thankfully, Rep. Gerry Connolly proposed a new bill that prohibits the Postal Service from enacting its contract with Oshkosh Defense for the trucks unless the fleet is made up of at least 75 percent electric vehicles.


That’s why we need to raise our voices on this issue until Congress stops DeJoy’s bad deal from going through.




Tell Congress: The USPS contract must require at least 75% electric trucks!




Climate justice is racial justice. We have to take a stand against DeJoy’s gas-guzzling trucks and stop them from polluting our communities.


For future generations,





Rev Yearwood
President & CEO 
Hip Hop Caucus.


















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