mercredi 25 octobre 2023




 Progress America


We reject hateful, Islamophobic rhetoric and policies,  like the Trump administration’s Muslim Travel Ban. 




Republican racist fear-mongering has set its focus on Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban once again.

Trump and Stephen Miller are using the war between Israel and Hamas as a way to revive the Trump administration’s Muslim Travel Ban. This is Islamophobia and we must reject it.

Sign the petition: No Trump Muslim Travel Ban!

While in office, Trump signed an executive order banning travel to the United States from seven predominantly Muslim countries. It was met with an uproar of protest and a bevy of lawsuits — but the Trump administration continued pushing versions of the ban in its nationalist campaign to keep the ban going.

Last week, Trump baselessly claimed that the “same people” who committed the Hamas-led attacks in Israel were crossing the southern U.S. border to commit terrorist attacks in America.

The rhetoric coming from Trump and Miller seeks to conflate a whole group of people with terrorists — extremely dangerous statements as targeted hate and harassment is ramping up in the United States with the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

We must loudly rebuke Trump’s dangerous Islamophobic statements.

Add your name: Reject Trump and Stephen Miller’s rhetoric pushing a Muslim Travel Ban.


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