mercredi 18 octobre 2023

U.S/Gaza/Israel (WIN WITHOUT WAR) : POTUS needs to hear from you today.




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Friend :

The reports from aid organizations working in Gaza are horrifying. Here’s how Doctors Without Borders described conditions on the ground :

Hospitals are overwhelmed. There are no more painkillers now. Our staff tells us about the wounded screaming in pain, the injured, the sick who cannot get to the hospital and the terror of finding themselves bombed in a few hours.”[1]

Thousands of people in Gaza have already died, including hundreds of children. People fleeing are running out of clean water, and even supposed ‘safe zones’ have reportedly been under attack by the Israeli government.

The indiscriminate attacks by Hamas on everyday people in Israel were horrific and unjustifiable. But what’s happening in Gaza isn’t justice. The Israeli government cutting off millions of people from water, food, and fuel while showering them with bombs must stop now.

This type of violence isn’t going to bring safety or liberation to anyone, it’ll only breed more violence, hatred, and trauma. People in Palestine and Israel deserve far more than the broken status quo that has let them all down so devastatingly.

The U.S. government will play a pivotal role in what happens next — and as President Biden travels to the Middle East , we have a crucial chance to push the Administration to focus its efforts on saving lives.

This moment is dire. Can you join us in urging the Biden administration — as a key ally of the Israeli government — to call for, at minimum, a temporary cessation of hostilities, the flow of humanitarian aid, and work to reunite hostages taken by Hamas with their families?


Our voices, along with those of so many others across the country and world, calling for leaders to center humanity in their decision making are making an impact. While the Biden administration’s initial response to the crisis said very little about people in Gaza, we’ve seen a shift in recognizing their dignity and while this is the least we could hope for, it is a welcome development nonetheless.

Just this weekend on Face of the Nation, Jake Sullivan, President Biden’s National Security Advisor, said : “we're very focused on making sure that the broader civilian population of Gaza – because the vast majority of Palestinians in Gaza have nothing to do with Hamas – that they can get to safe areas, that they can get access to food, water, medicine, shelter.”[2]

It shows that the pressure is working, friend. Now, with President Biden set to meet face-to-face with leaders, including Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, today, it’s time to go further and ensure that these sentiments continue to turn into action.

That’s why we’re asking you to join our urgent petition to the Biden administration. As a key ally of the Israeli government they should, at minimum, call for a temporary cessation of hostilities, the flow of humanitarian aid, and work to reunite hostages taken by Hamas with their families.

Friend, peace doesn’t just mean the absence of conflict; it means people can live and thrive without the fear or threat of violence — and WE are the people who refuse to give up on that vision for people in Palestine and Israel.

To every single one of you reading this, we say thank you. Thank you for living your values, for being there for your friends and neighbors, and for not only being brave enough to imagine a different world — but for doing the work that will help us build one.

Thank you for working for peace,

The Win Without War team

  1. Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders,Gaza: “Dying under bombs cannot be the only option left to people”
  2. CBS,Full transcript of "Face the Nation," Oct. 15, 2023



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