dimanche 24 juillet 2022

U.S (MOVE ON) : Stop AMAZON Funding Anti-Abortion Extremists !




Dear friend,




Sign our petition pushing for Amazon and other corporations to stop donating to anti-abortion Republicans and extremists.




Record-breaking sales during the recent Amazon Prime Day hit an estimated $11.9 BILLION.1 These are some of the massive earnings from which Amazon funnels campaign donations to anti-abortion Republicans. Amazon and the rest of corporate America want to reap the benefits of appearing pro-reproductive rights—without actually having to stop their donations to Republican candidates that would ban abortion.


Megacorporations like Amazon, AT&T, and Disney have donated to Republicans and extremists for years, including Republican governors who are now signing abortion bans into law.2


After the right-wing rigged Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Amazon stated that “team members should get the care they need" and has offered to reimburse their staff for travel. Disney told employees that it will provide access to quality and affordable care for employees and their families, which includes family planning and reproductive care.3


But this is just a performative and tiny band-aid on a huge crisis the companies have fueled. We cannot allow Amazon and other corporations to dodge responsibility and weaponize profits against abortion rights and bodily autonomy.




Sign the petition calling on Amazon and other corporations to stop donations to politicians who support and enact abortion bans and demand these candidates return past donations.











The rich will continue to get the abortion care they need; state-level abortion bans will prevent only working-class people from seeking out and receiving the abortion health care they deserve.


Corporate America represents some of the largest supporters of anti-abortion Republican candidates at the local, state, and federal levels. Amazon’s donations to Republicans directly contradict their stated values, and the company cannot pretend to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion while donating to candidates who support abortion bans and restrictions that will harm working-class people the most.




Will you sign our petition urging Amazon and other corporations to stop donating to anti-abortion Republican candidates and stand up for reproductive rights?




And if you can, share this petition with your family and friends to ramp up the public pressure on these corporations.


Thanks for all you do,



























Sources : 




1. “Prime Day 2022 breaks records with $11.9 billion in sales,” Chain Store Age, July 14, 2022.
2."These companies stopped campaign donations to election objectors. Their lobbyists did not," Politico, February 15, 2022.
3. “These companies are helping employees access abortions.” Axios. July 20, 2022. https://www.axios.com/2022/05/05/abortion-travel-benefit-uber-apple-amazon-lyft


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