mardi 28 avril 2020


Dear friend,

Congress just passed a new pandemic stimulus package, but once again, women and families were left out.

This is getting ridiculous. While huge corporations have gotten slush funds and tax breaks, and while corporate giants like Potbelly and Ruth's Chris Steak House have gotten millions of dollars meant for small businesses, millions of families are wondering how they're going to pay their rent this week, and healthcare workers are still scrambling for lifesaving equipment.1,2

Enough. We know women, especially women of color, are bearing the brunt of this pandemic. We are the majority on the frontlines, yet we are being left behind and left out. We need a relief bill that helps us, not corporations. 

That's why UltraViolet is joining forces with a powerful coalition of organizations that center women and families to use our collective power to say : We Demand More

Tell Congress : "Women demand more."
Sign the petition

Here are the facts : 75% of hospital workers are women, 93% of child care workers are women, 63% of fast food and counter workers are women, and 66% of cashiers and retail salespeople in grocery stores are women.3,4 Women are disproportionately impacted on the frontlines of this crisis

Yet, Congress has given corporations five times more relief than hospitals, Republicans are exploiting the crisis to ban abortion, and voters are being asked to choose between their health and their vote.5,6,7 

But Congress can't ignore a powerful coalition of hundreds of thousands of us. If we all add our voices, we can demand more from the next COVID-19 relief package :
  1. Put women and families ahead of corporations,
  2. Get life-sustaining relief to us NOW,
  3. Make state governments strong; they are our lifeline, 
  4. Stop the attacks on abortion access, and 
  5. Protect our safety and our right to vote in 2020.

Influential members of Congress are demanding a timeline on a comprehensive package that centers the people who need relief. We have to show Congress that millions have the backs of the champions who have ours. This is how we work together to overcome special interests and put the needs of people first. We must demand more, together. 

Thanks for speaking out !

Shaunna, Kat, Kathy, Anathea, Melody, Pam, Lindsay, Sonja, Kimberly, Maria, and Katie, the UltraViolet team

Sources :

2. Women demand more of Congress to face COVID-19 Recession, National Women's Law Center, accessed April 27, 2020

Want to support our work ? UltraViolet is funded by members like you, and our tiny staff ensures small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.

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