jeudi 31 décembre 2015

Le 31 DÉCEMBRE de Patricia LARANCO.

Dards, flèches de soleil partout,

pointus sur les portes et les murs;

mouettes criaillant et hurlant

juste au-dessus

des cheminées

dans le grand bleu façon printemps

qui vaporise sa fraîcheur;

douce trille d'un passereau

qui résonne - on ne sait trop

où -

mais où sont les neiges d'antan ?

Le dernier jour de l'an

rutile !

Patricia Laranco, 
le 31/12/2015

mercredi 30 décembre 2015

U.S : COLOR OF CHANGE speaks to the WHITE PEOPLE....

White people, if you ever wondered what you would have done during the Civil Rights Movement, now is the time to decide.

Is his life worth more than mine?

Support an independent Black political voice by contributing to ColorOfChange.


Dear friend,

My name is Johnny Mathias. I've worked at ColorOfChange since 2012. And I'm white.
I came to ColorOfChange after years working to elect Democrats because I knew that party politics alone would not bring about the transformational racial justice changes that we all need. And I bet many of the white members* of ColorOfChange feel the same way. You share an article, you sign ColorOfChange petitions, make a call to an elected official when asked, donate to support campaigns and even engage fellow white people about the persistent anti-Black racism in our world. But deep down you know it's not enough, that the scale of your contribution to the cause does not meet the urgency of the moment.
The movement cannot be sustained solely on the efforts and energy of Black organizers, for whom this fight is a matter of life and death. All too often we think of racial justice as the sole responsibility of Black people. As white people, we have an obligation to dismantle racism and to do so by supporting Black leadership.
As the movement for Black lives stands on the precipice of tremendous cultural power, Black organizers across the country have issued a call to white people to take action. As white people, it's time for us to put our money where our values lie. We need to commit to sustained financial support of independent Black organizations and help ColorOfChange raise $200,000 by the end of the year. 

While this email centers whiteness, the movement cannot, should not and will not. As white people committed to racial justice, we have a responsibility to consult with Black leaders and support their strategic needs in this fight. That means we need to leverage our privilege and resources to meet gaps where white-controlled corporate and governmental structures have refused to value Black lives. We must fund a private investigator when Sandra Bland is murdered in Waller County with no substantial inquiry. We must support the legal work behind Freedom of Information Act requests when it becomes clear that the FBI is surveilling Black activists. And we must marshal every resource we can to demand accountability from prosecutors — like Timothy McGinty in Cleveland who refused to secure justice for 12-year-old Tamir Rice — that allow police to murder Black people without facing justice or consequences.
I work with some of the most strategically brilliant Black organizers in the movement: Rashad Robinson, Arisha Michelle Hatch, Brandi Collins, Scott Roberts and the ColorOfChange campaigns team. As a white person at a Black organization, it is my role to use my skills and resources to help our team make an impact for Black people. As a white ColorOfChange member, you can do the same by contributing to make the creative and strategic interventions of Black leaders at ColorOfChange a reality.

None of the campaigns above would've been possible without the financial support of ColorOfChange members because we don’t take money from big corporations that don’t share our values. You've already taken the first step by being an active member of the ColorOfChange community. Making a contribution to ColorOfChange is one of the many ways, as a white member, you can deepen your support of the movement for Black lives.
Thanks and Peace,

Johnny Mathias and the ColorOfChange team

*As an organization, we are committed to centering Blackness in this movement. Most of our members are Black, but we felt it important to take this opportunity to speak directly to the thousands of white members of ColorOfChange. Please consider sharing this with the white people in your life. 

ColorOfChange is building a movement to elevate the voices of Black folks and our allies, and win real social and political change. Help keep our movement strong.

Gillian GENEVIÈVE (Île Maurice).

Je marche à reculons
Des rêves d'un ciel en crue
Et je parle
À la souche des vents
De la rime irrégulière
Du silence
Charnu et mûr
Quand sur le flanc
Vaste et brisé
De ce mois de décembre
Je retrouve la parole du soir
Jetée sur la pierre
De tes mots fondateurs

Quand l'âme se tend
Contre l'âcre jour
En pleine lumière
L'alphabet des sens se simplifie
Et chaque grain de sable
Dans le désert nu
Ou à l'accueil
De l'écume des vagues
Le long des rives
Dans le leurre
Des ombres
Et du feu
À mourir
Au seuil
D'un croissant
De lune
Vêtu de noir
Et de songes

Rien ne chante
Ni paraît
Sur le visage
De l'homme épris
Quand le temps
Au faîte
De la tristesse
Dans le geste qui se déplie
Sur les confins
De ce poème
À matière brute

Ainsi vieillit
L'aube claire
Dès que le soleil
Et se perd
Dans le vide
Comme tous les dieux
Et perché
Au dessus
Du flot boueux
De l'éther
Du soir
Et de la mort
J'écoute crier
Au revers
De la douleur
Une rose apprivoisée

Elle invente
Dans l'éclat
Du silex
Mon dernier

Le visage désancré
Je me réincarne alors
Dans la lueur
De ce regard qui me nomme.

Haut du formulaire

mardi 29 décembre 2015

La poésie magique de François TEYSSANDIER (France).

Tu gravis
L'échelle instable
De la lumière

Et le ciel tournoie
Dans ton regard
Comme un horizon de pierres

Emportées par le vent
Et la houle obscure de ces voix
Qui se lèvent au sortir de ta bouche d'ombre

Tu deviens roc de matière
Friable comme un rêve de silex
Tranchant l'âpre sommeil de la terre


COLOR OF CHANGE (U.S) : Grand Jury Failed to Indict Tamir Rice's Killer .

The officer who killed Tamir Rice will face no charges.
Donate $10 
to help us get bad prosecutors out of office.

Dear friend,

A Cuyahoga County Grand Jury just failed to indict Cleveland Police Officer Timothy Loehmann for shooting and killing 12-year old Tamir Rice. As we send our deepest sympathy to Tamir’s family, we also hold the weight of our own frustration and sorrow from this unjust verdict. Once again, a police officer killed a Black child and is not being held accountable due to a prosecutor - Timothy J. McGinty- who doesn’t honor Black life or seek to hold officers accountable.
Throughout the grand jury process, McGinty released questionable expert reports justifying Tamir’s killing and attacked his grieving family in the press. Over 150,000 ColorOfChange members joined Tamir’s mother in calling for a special prosecutor to take over. Although McGinty had continued to resist calls for accountability, the overwhelming pressure is beginning to chip away at political support for his reelection next year. Just earlier this week the Cuyahoga County Democratic Party decided not to endorse him.

Prosecutors are elected to uphold integrity and justice within our criminal justice system.
Yet, it is incredibly hard to hold police accountable when they kill Black people. A prosecutor pressing charges against an officer is a rarity that often only occurs with a mass swell of protests and mainstream media attention.Meanwhile, far too many prosecutors go out of their way to over-prosecute and incarcerate Black folks for far less damaging crimes.
We are working to hold prosecutors accountable across the country. Whether it be in Chicago, Cleveland, Minneapolis, or Columbia, SC, we are putting pressure on prosecutors to hold police accountable and end the criminalization of Black communities. In places like Baltimore, where Marilyn Mosby is fighting to convict the officers who killed Freddie Gray, we have collected thousands of petition signatures thanking her for charging the officers and encouraging her to retry the latest mistrial. We’re also fighting for systemic change to take the role of police prosecution out of the hands of local prosecutors who work too closely with cops. Earlier this year, we helped to win a special prosecutor law for the State of New York.
In 2016, we are doubling down on these effort by getting involved in prosecutorial elections so that prosecutors like McGinty or Anita Alvarez don’t serve another term. It is time for us to be proactive as we enter into the new year. In order to obtain prosecutors who, like Baltimore’s Marilyn Mosby, are invested in ensuring justice for Black families when their loved ones are unjustly targeted and killed by the police, we must unseat those who are crippling our criminal justice system.

Thanks and peace,

Rashad, Arisha Scott, Enchanta, Josh and the rest of the team

ColorOfChange is building a movement to elevate the voices of Black folks and our allies, and win real social and political change. Help keep our movement strong.

lundi 28 décembre 2015


Dear friend, 

I’m Rashad Robinson – the Executive Director here at ColorOfChange – and I just want to say that you all have blown me away. At the start of this month I challenged you all to help us reach our most ambitious fundraising target ever, $200,000 - and we’ve just officially reached the halfway point.
But we’re still $94,681 short of our goal. With only 4 days left in 2015 - will you chip in $3 for 2016 and help close this fundraising gap?

With more than 4,694 ColorOfChange members donating more than $105,319 dollars, this is already our best fundraising effort in our 10 year history. But it is not yet enough to ensure that we are capable of meeting all of the challenges and opportunities of 2016. We are in a pivotal moment in the movement for Black lives – and if we can't reach the goal of $200,000 by the end of December 31, then one way or another, we'll have to cut back on these crucial 2016 plans:
  1. Invest in holding prosecutors accountable, by creating a national database of prosecutors and directly engaging in prosecutor elections. By diving into prosecutor elections, we’ll be holding prosecutors accountable in a way no other organization ever has.
  2. Expose the FBI and DHS’s illegal surveillance of our movement, and pressure decision makers to end it.
  3. Train a whole new generation of Black community leaders and organizers, who will be able to fight for justice in every corner of the country.
  4. Open a new office in Hollywood to directly combat toxic media representations of Black folks, which lead to us being seen as less than human by society at large.
  5. Hold the right-wing accountable for the race-baiting rhetoric that is encouraging violence against Black people and swelling the ranks of white supremacist groups.
At ColorOfChange, we value every donation that’s made – whatever the size – because the way we create change is through an engaged community of people pitching in and taking action together. By chipping in $3 right now, you’ll ensure that we can push forward and seize this moment to make all of these crucial plans for justice a reality. Will you chip in right now ?

Thanks and peace,

Rashad, Arisha, Johnny, Evan, Brittaney, and the rest of the ColorOfChange team

ColorOfChange is building a movement to elevate the voices of Black folks and our allies, and win real social and political change. Help keep our movement strong.

Un poème d'Alain MINOD (France) : L'ÊTRE A L’ÉPREUVE DE LA « TOTONOMIE ».

Je rentre dans le ciel bleu
D'où chutent les circulations lentes
Du soleil
Que n'apprivoisent pas celles
Plombées mais galopantes
Des véhicules en proie
A de vertigineuses
Vers des horizons serrés
Par des ailleurs
Pour un temps apparemment libéré
Du travail – mais
Qui convoie
A l'oubli de l'hier

Mais se retrouver hors des ombres
Conduit combien d'hommes
A ne rien voir
Des variations de la lumière
Qui pourraient rythmer
Pour eux
Une passe lente du temps

Serait-elle vraiment ailleurs
Et pour combien d'hommes fiers
De leur autonomie ?
Lignes de fuite pour échapper
Ne serait-ce qu'un jour de plus -
A la fixation par la vitesse aveugle
De l'intime et secrète vie
De leurs désirs

Non ! Prendre au calme soleil
Prendre à ce jeu d'ombres et de lumière
Glaner tranquillement sa durée
Ses formes en douces stries
Variables et musicales
Sur les murs
Sur les fenêtres sorcières
Sur le macadam
Sur les herses d'arbres dénudés

En saisir ainsi de l'inamovible
Règne courant immobile
Du travail :
L'univers des songes et laisser
Fluctuer le sauvage
Cours du monde

Ne pas tomber dans ce semblant imperturbable
Et obscur – d'une réalité dévolue
Au trafic
Mais l'oubli qui ne crie pas
Qui ne chante pas ? :
L'oubli de l'oubli
Dans un soleil comateux de l'être
Il court vers les nids
Du laisser paraître

Ô Temps des vitesses qui ne s'accordent
Qu'avec la rotation à sens perdu
Fermé à tout horizon
De la ville !

Ô Temps de tous les paraîtres
Infirmes de leurs pensées oubliées
Vite – très vite !

Le trafic est là
Mais la totonomie se blesse
Dans les fractures
Des cœurs
Ah ! Lancer son char comme en triomphe
Total de l'autonomie

Chaque course en vedette de soi-même
Chaque voyage charriant les nerfs
A bout de corps fendus
Dans l'enfer
Du mobile tendu
Par la soif
De la fuite
Sans rémission autre
Que l'infect paradis
Du tout consommable

Et cela consume - paralyse
Pensée- Amour - Désir
Et cela tue le possible
Partir à jet continu
Éjaculer l'instant
Comme si c'était
A chaque fois
Le dernier soupir des dieux
Ne jamais entrevoir
Un ciel autre
Que dans la tempête intériorisée
De l'oubli de l'oubli
Pourtant … Ah ! Couper court à tout ce fictif
Devenu réalité et … :
Traverser l'instant
Jusque dans la fidélité
A l'éveil
Où demeure tout guetteur
De tout hasard

Chercher cependant la chair des âmes
Comme si jamais elle ne devait
Et … Là – dans la présence au monde
Pourrait alors souffler
Aux lèvres
Le doux bruit
Du temps d'un baiser
Livré aux passades concrètes
Du désir demeuré

Mais trop attendre et juste vouloir
Sauter dans la jouissance
Dès que l'on vous
L'ouvre :
Cette porte - c'est se livrer
Aux promesses du trafic
Et courir tout droit
Vers la désespérance ! Ô Combien
Obsédante avec sa nostalgie
Des songes jamais
Réalisés que
Dans l'aboiement feutré
Du plaisir arraché
Au long désir
Pour décharner ce qui pèse :
Cette indépendance
D'un corps demeuré corps
Dans la pensée

Alain MINOD.