dimanche 31 janvier 2016

Une PARUTION très importante en MARS.




« Tant que les lions n’auront pas leurs historiens, les histoires de chasse tourneront toujours à la gloire du chasseur », dit un proverbe bantou. C’est précisément le point de vue du lion que défend ici Dénètem Touam Bona en mettant en lumière, à travers la question du marronnage, l’action et la créativité des colonisés. Entre carnet de voyage, enquête anthropologique et méditation littéraire et philosophique, il narre l’histoire occultée des fugues, celles du « gitan » nomade, du soldat déserteur, du migrant « clandestin » et de tous les réfractaires à la norme, au contrôle ou à la domestication.
Foucault l’a bien vu, « la visibilité est un piège ». Art de la disparition, le marronnage est plus que jamais d’actualité. Déjouer les surveillances, les profilages, les traçages marketings et policiers; disparaître des bases de données ; étendre l’ombre de la forêt l’espace d’un court-circuit. Dans notre monde cybernétique où le contrôle en temps réel de l’individu est sur le point de devenir la norme, le nègre marron apparaît comme une figure universelle de résistance. »

(source : https://fugitifoucourstu.wordpress.com/)


Dear friends, 

Last year, we proved that we all carry within ourselves the power to transform our world, and when we come together, something truly magical can happen!

When politicians said “nothing can be done”, thousands of us opened our hearts and homes to refugees across Europe. When they said “nobody cares”, we created the largest climate mobilisation in history, and pushed leaders to agree on a landmark climate deal in Paris.

Now, it’s time to imagine what we can do in 2016. Click below to dream and set our priorities together in the all-member poll -- it'll only take a few minutes :
In 2015 our movement set our priorities early in the year -- then we nailed them. We won campaigns on education, forests, women's rights, climate, refugees and a slew of other issues across the world!

Now let’s decide together how we'll unleash the magic of this community in 2016, to transform global threats into opportunities, and build the world we want.

Take the super-short poll now and bring your voice and wisdom to our collective vision: 

Let’s seize this opportunity to scheme together -- for our future, our kids, and for everything we love. 

With love and gratitude for this amazing community,

Alice, Emma, Pascal, Melanie, Mike and the whole team at Avaaz

Avaaz.org is a 42-million-person global campaign network
 that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

samedi 30 janvier 2016


Tout excité, tout frétillant, Yannick s'approche de David :
- Oh !...Tu ne devineras jamais ce qui vient de m'arriver...j'ai rencontré Dieu !
- Ah oui ? marmonne David, qui a l'habitude des exaltations de son camarade.
Alors ? Il avait l'air de quoi ?
- De rien de particulier. En fait, il ressemblait plutôt au brouillard, ou à l'Homme invisible.
- Ah bon ?...Alors, comment t'as fait pour te rendre compte que c'était lui ?
- Je sais pas. Je me l'demande encore. J'ai juste senti sa présence. Et puis, surtout, je me suis senti si bien, j'ai ressenti un tel bien-être ! Tout à coup, je me suis rendu compte que j'avais acquis la FOI !
- ça s'est passé dans une église ?
- Non, non...dans un jardin public. Mais j'étais sur un p'tit nuage. Je flottais, littéralement. Je lévitais, exactement comme Aladin derrière le volant de son tapis, tu sais...
Je me suis mis à parler à Dieu...de ma vie, quoi, de mes petits problèmes. Il ne demandait qu’à causer; il a vraiment été tout ouïe. Je te jure ! Quand je lui ai parlé de toi, d'ailleurs, il t'a passé le bonjour.
- Eh ben, si tu le revois un de ces quatre, tu le salueras aussi pour moi.
- Entendu ! Et puis, on a aussi parlé un petit peu des grands mystères de l'univers. Tu vois...par exemple, je lui ai demandé si les Aliens allaient, un jour, venir nous rendre visite.
- Et alors ? Qu'est-ce qu'il t'a répondu ?
- Il m'a dit qu'il ne savait pas.
- Qu'il ne savait pas ?...Lui ?...Dieu ?
Yannick hocha vivement la tête :
- Ouais. Alors, tu vois, comme c'était Dieu - Dieu en personne ! - j'ai tout de même pas osé trop insister. J'ai changé de sujet, tu vois...je lui ai demandé, aussi sec, laquelle de nos religions parlait le mieux de lui.
David écarquilla les yeux :
- Sans blague ? Et cette fois, il a daigné te répondre ?
- Ouais...dans un énorme éclat de rire qui m'a fait salement sursauter, il m'a sorti de but en blanc : "je n'ai pas de religion; no comment" et il est parti !

Patricia Laranco.

ALIENOR en février.

Cercle de poésie et d'esthétique Jacques G.Krafft

a l'honneur de vous inviter à la séance du
Samedi 13 février 2016 à 16 h 15 précises

à la Brasserie Lipp (salle du 1er étage)
151, Boulevard Saint-Germain à Paris 6ème

 « Jean Rousselot,
le poète qui n’a pas oublié d’être »


Christophe DAUPHIN

La capacité de la salle est limitée par la réglementation sur la sécurité des établissements recevant du public. En cas d’affluence, priorité sera donnée aux adhérents du Cercle. Les autres personnes seront admises dans la limite des places disponibles.

Le Comité Aliénor

Séance suivante le 12 mars 2016 :
« André du BOUCHET,  écrire à sa main … »
par Didier CAHEN

Consulter notre site : http://cerclealienor.blogspot.fr/

vendredi 29 janvier 2016


Two ancient nuclear plants in Belgium threaten to unleash another Chernobyl disaster right in the heart of Europe! On Monday, the German environment minister is meeting the Belgian government to raise the alarm. If enough of us act in the next 72 hours, we will put a massive wind of public support in her sails to stop this madness.Sign and share on Facebook, Twitter, email... everywhere, before it’s too late: 

Dear Avaazers,

Nuclear experts are scared: Belgium has just restarted two ancient and cracked nuclear power plants that threaten to unleash another Chernobyl disaster right in the heart of Europe! 

One of the ageing reactors suffered a fire and explosion weeks ago and Belgium’s own nuclear safety chief called for checks after discovering 16,000 cracks! Neighbouring countries like ours are raising the safety alarm and German Environment Minister, Barbara Hendricks, is ready to take our concerns into a meeting with Belgium on Monday. If enough of us back her in the next 72 hours, she can push Belgium to bring the plants to a halt until a thorough impact assessment is completed. Let’s stop this madness!

This could be a radioactive nightmare in an overpopulated area so close to us! Let’s urgently deliver 500,000 signatures to Minister Hendricks and our own government before her meeting, and make it clear that EU citizens will not allow Belgium to put us at risk of another Chernobyl. Sign and share on Facebook, Twitter, email… everywhere before it is too late : 

We are entering a new era of nuclear risk. The 25 oldest nuclear reactors in Europe are close to or past their 40 years of operation. And as our nuclear plants get older, the number of failures and accidents keeps growing: there has already been a reported 50% increase in unexpected failures between 2000 and 2006.

Belgium is becoming a global symbol of the danger posed by ageing nuclear plants: in 2014, it set the world record for unexpected problems at its nuclear reactors: leaks, cracks and even an explosion last December. More worryingly, experts say that because some of the cracks are on "one of the most vulnerable parts" of the plant, "if the reactor pressure fails, then we have a Chernobyl or a Fukushima-type accident". 

The government says they need to keep these broken plants open to give electricity to the country, but in the past 2 years they were closed 50% of the time for malfunctioning. Now the Belgian government is relying on its majority in parliament to get approval for two other suspicious plants on life support… for another 10 years! 

But we have a powerful chance to stop them -- they’ve failed to launch a compulsory joint impact assessment with neighbouring countries like ours. If on Monday Barbara Hendricks strongly asks for such an assessment, we could stop the vote and force Belgium to reverse its decision. This is our chance -- click to join the urgent call to deactivate this nuclear time bomb in Europe : 

Avaaz campaigned for the world to agree to an ambitious deal at the Paris climate talks to save our planet from the devastating effects of fossil fuels. Now let’s make sure we don’t put our continent at risk gambling with these disastrous, creaking nuclear plants.  

With hope and determination,

Luca, Luis, Alaphia, Ana, Marigona, Emma, Alice, Spyro and the rest of the Avaaz Team


Belgium’s ageing nuclear plants worry neighbours (Global Times)

German region protests, fears Fukushima-style disaster after Belgium restarts aging reactor (The Japan Times)

Belgian nuclear plants under scrutiny by neighbouring countries (EU Observer)

Nuclear power safety issue at Belgian border draws big Dutch interest (NL Times)

Unplanned energy losses due to unplanned shutdowns, outages etc. (IAEA)

Avaaz.org is a 42-million-person global campaign network
 that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

Bobby PAUL (Haïti), et sa ROSE NOIRE.

encre sur la feuille 
rêveuse aquarelle 
ô femme ! 
je te dessine belle 
telle un rose noire 

Bobby PAUL

jeudi 28 janvier 2016

ART MURAL A BELLEVILLE (Paris, France), photos de Patricia LARANCO (Série I).

Dans la petite rue Jean-Baptiste Dumay
mars 2015.

Sur l'esplanade dominant le 
mars 2015.

Photographies : Patricia Laranco.

All rights reserved.

mercredi 27 janvier 2016


Tout doucement le charroi du jour vire au gris
Dans les nuages-rois avançant dans le vent
Des fauves de ville – monte un chant non aigri
Dans la nuit mauve il trace un chemin de savant

Alors la chair des mots se place innocemment
Dans la fugue des feux rhizomes qui résonnent
Jusque dans l'horizon noirci incessamment
Sans que rouges braises viennent et y détonnent

La veille des amants met à l'aise le soir
Leurs paroles vermeilles jointes aux sourires
Poussent la belle ardeur d'un poème – à surseoir 
A la lune absente - en éclaireur du désir


U.S (Color of Change) : The Flint water crisis is just the beginning .

The poisoning of Flint's water isn't just a crisis. It's a wake-up call.

Black communities protesting against lead poisoning.

Tell our government to restore funding for the CDC Healthy Homes and Lead Poisoning Prevention program.

Dear friend, 

The world now knows about Flint, and actions are being taken to alleviate the suffering of its residents. Hillary Clinton, calling the Flint water crisis an outrage that has poisoned and disrupted a poor, mostly Black community, has dispatched aides to help find a solution.1 Bernie Sanders has openly called for the resignation of Michigan governor Rick Snyder for his role in allowing this crisis to occur.2 Gov. Snyder has admitted to knowing about the contamination of Flint’s water supply as early as July 2015, yet he did nothing to prevent it.3Emails released by the governor’s office revealed that not only did he know about the contamination, but that the water switch was motivated by a political agenda rather than financial necessity.4
The Flint water crisis represents the worst possible intersection of racial and economic inequality as well as political exploitation and corruption in the United States. Utility customers in Flint pay some of the highest water bills in the entire state of Michigan, nearly $150 per month.5 Many are now being threatened with utility service cutoffs if they don’t pay expensive, past due bills for lead tainted water.6 The Michigan State National Guard has been activated in order to assist and support residents who would otherwise be without access to clean water.And the crisis is far from over, as many thousands have been irrevocably poisoned and will need years of medical care and support. The well-being and vitality of a Black community has been disrupted and imperiled for decades to come.
The lead poisoning crisis is larger than Flint. It connects to the dangers faced by Black communities around the country, who are exposed to dangerous chemicals and environmental hazards every day. Even as we fight for Flint, we must also ensure that the resources are being made available to protect Black children, families, and communities around the country who face similar problems. The austerity politics, undemocratic governance, and racist beliefs that allowed Flint to happen are present and entrenched in many states and cities. By pushing the U.S. government to restore funding for the CDC Healthy Homes and Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, we can ensure that those in need have access to the help they need and deserve.8 Flint represents a pivotal opportunity to reverse the trend of environmental racism and injustice that has endangered Black communities for too long.

Thanks and peace,

Brandi, Rashad, Arisha, Bernard, Brittaney, Evan, and the rest of the ColorOfChange team

Dear friends,

Flint, Michigan is in a state of emergency due to a full-scale lead poisoned water crisis.9
Thousands of families in this mostly Black community have been exposed to toxic water, doubling the number of children with dangerous levels of lead in their blood in just one year.10 This is nothing short of a disgrace, a preventable crisis years in the making and the direct result of reckless budget cuts and spending.
Make no mistake, we’re talking about more than haphazard financial management here. For months residents complained about cloudy, foul-smelling water and they were told by local officials that this toxic water could be safely consumed by their families. These officials had every reason to know something was wrong and they did nothing. These are our children, and they deserve better than the treatment they are getting from our government.
And it’s not just in Flint, Michigan where this is happening. Across the US, predominantly Black and low-income communities are at dire risk of severe health problems caused by lead poisoning.11 Lead-tainted homes in Baltimore, Detroit, and other cities, a legacy of toxic neglect and lead poisoning of well over 10,000 children under the age of five in Cleveland.12 Yet despite all of this, federal funding for the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) Healthy Homes and Lead Poisoning Prevention Program has been reduced by more than half.13 It’s unacceptable, the federal government needs to take action to ensure that Black and low-income communities are protected from environmental hazards that negatively affect their health and livelihoods.

Symptoms of lead poisoning include loss of developmental skills, skin lesions, kidney dysfunction and depression. There is no safe level of lead exposure, and that exposure can cause irreversible damage in children.14 When we talk about protecting Black lives, this does not speak only to preventing the unjust death of Black people at the hands of the police.It speaks also to ensuring that Black people can lead full and healthy lives, with all the rights and protections afforded to them.
Freddie Grey, a victim of police brutality, suffered from chronic health problems caused by lead poisoning via childhood exposure in public housing.15 The state failed Freddie Grey on two counts: safeguarding his health as a child and protecting his rights as an adult. We must rely on the courts to seek justice for Freddie Grey, but we can act now to ensure that no one else suffers from the same health problems that he did.

Black communities have long been left vulnerable to pollution due to racism and discrimination which constrains their social mobility and economic opportunity. Black people comprise 45% of low-income public housing inhabitants, signifying a deep need for social support programs.16 Yet studies indicate 35% of all low-income housing had significant lead-based paint hazards. Of those with hazards, 1.2 million units housed low-income families (less than $30,000 per year) with children under 6 years of age.17 With each passing day more and more Black families are impacted by lead poisoning, which diminishes their quality of life and impairs their potential.

Thanks and peace,

Brandi, Rashad, Arisha, Bernard, Brittaney, Evan, and the rest of the ColorOfChange team

References :

1. "Flint's Water Problem Finally Gets Attention During a Debate." Huffington Post, 01-16-2016 http://act.colorofchange.org/go/5786?t=8&akid=5311.1942551.tiYZ83

2. Sanders Calls on Michigan Gov. Snyder to Resign over Flint Water Crisis." Politico, 01-16-206 http://act.colorofchange.org/go/5788?t=10&akid=5311.1942551.tiYZ83

3. "Flint Crisis Response Delayed for Months." The Detroit News, 01-07-2016 http://act.colorofchange.org/go/5778?t=12&akid=5311.1942551.tiYZ83

4. "Gov. Snyder lied; Flint Water Switch was not about Saving Money, Records Show." Motor City Muckraker, 01-23-2016 http://act.colorofchange.org/go/5789?t=14&akid=5311.1942551.tiYZ83

5. "Should Flint Residents Pay for Lead-Poisoned Water?" The Detroit Free Press, 01-15-2016 http://act.colorofchange.org/go/5780?t=16&akid=5311.1942551.tiYZ83

6. "Flint Sending Out 1,800 New Notices for Past-Due Water Bills." Michigan Live, 01-14-2016 http://act.colorofchange.org/go/5775?t=18&akid=5311.1942551.tiYZ83

7. "National Guard, Feds, Called to Help get Water to Flint, Michigan Residents." ABC News, 01-13-2016 http://act.colorofchange.org/go/5781?t=20&akid=5311.1942551.tiYZ83

8. "CDC Healthy Homes and Lead Poisoning Prevention Program" CDC, 2015 http://act.colorofchange.org/go/5782?t=22&akid=5311.1942551.tiYZ83

9. “Flint, Michigan, tried to save money on water. Now its children have lead poisoning.” Vox, 01-06-2016 http://act.colorofchange.org/go/5732?t=24&akid=5311.1942551.tiYZ83

10. “In Flint, Mich., there’s so much lead in children’s blood that a state of emergency is declared” The Washington Post, 12-15-2015

11. "Lead paint: Despite progress, hundreds of Maryland children still poisoned" The Baltimore Sun, 12-05-2015

12. "Toxic Neglect: Curing Cleveland's legacy of lead poisoning" Cleveland.com, 10-20-2015 http://act.colorofchange.org/go/5736?t=30&akid=5311.1942551.tiYZ83

13. "Federal Funding for Healthy Homes" National Center for Healthy Homes, 2015

14. "EPA lead standards leave children exposed to harm". The Hill, 12-03-2015

15. "Freddie Gray's life a study on the effects of lead paint on poor blacks." The Washington Post, 04-29-2015 http://act.colorofchange.org/go/5739?t=36&akid=5311.1942551.tiYZ83

16. "Housing Spotlight: Who Lives in Federally Assisted Housing?" National Low Income Housing Coalition, November 2012 http://act.colorofchange.org/go/5740?t=38&akid=5311.1942551.tiYZ83

17. "The Prevalence of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in U.S. Housing" Environmental Health Perspectives, October 2002. http://act.colorofchange.org/go/5741?t=40&akid=5311.1942551.tiYZ83


ColorOfChange is building a movement to elevate the voices of Black folks and our allies, and win real social and political change. Help keep our movement strong.

mardi 26 janvier 2016


Bees are miraculous! They are responsible for 70 of the world’s top 100 food crops, but they are vanishing under a rain of toxic pesticides. Now, the US could finally ban one of the biggest bee-killing chemicals, which could start a global ripple effect. But without strong public support, the agrichemical lobby will block it. Join the call to save bees:


Dear friends,

Bees are vanishing. These industrious creatures that bring us 70 of the worlds top 100 foods are collapsing in a rain of toxic pesticides. But finally the US government could take action to ban bee-killing poisons. And we could make this the moment to save the bees! 

The US has just opened an official public consultation to consider regulation on a major bee-killing chemical. But so far, agrichemical companies are the loudest voices in the room. A massive call from this community, in partnership with beekeepers, farmers, and scientists, is urgently needed.

Our community is already winning a ban on bee killing toxins in the EU. If we can get a ban in the US, it will have a ripple effect on the rest of the world to get rid of these chemicals and protect our delicate food supply. The US regulatory agency is taking comments this week! Let’s flood them with messages to be the voice that stops the collapse of bees. Click below and tell everyone : 

Neonicotinoids -- the pesticides threatening bees -- are a vicious neurotoxin used on 100 million acres of farmland, lawns and gardens across the US. Bees can’t avoid them because they are everywhere. In high doses it causes swift death by paralysis. But exposure to a low dose can be even worse -- bees bring the poisons back to their hives, threatening entire colonies. Since 1940, almost half of all honey bee hives have been lost. 

The US is considering action after releasing a study showing that one of the most common neonics is “very highly toxic to adult honey bees.” But it’s possible the government will only limit the use of these toxins. An outright ban is what we all need, and what this community can deliver. We’ve already begun by funding leading scientists and engaging stakeholders. But real action will only come with millions of voices demanding the US environment agency and the White House do more.

Bees are responsible for almost one out of every three bites of our food! We would have food in a world without bees, but the vivid diversity of native plants, fruits and vegetables would be lost.
The public consultation has just opened -- Join the call below to protect bees, and the foods and plants we love, and tell everyone. 

When millions of Avaazers from around the world took action in the EU it overpowered the pesticide companies and helped save bees. Time and again, when we join together the world changes. Bees can’t protect themselves from man made killer pesticides. Let’s stand up for these special creatures, and make sure we never have to live in a world without them.

With hope,

Nell, Dalia, Ari, Ben, Mais, Diego and the entire Avaaz team

ps. Bees are just totally amazing. They form matriarchal societies that communicate with each other by dancing ... their honeycombs are the most efficient structures in nature … and their brains can actually stop aging (possibly giving us signs on how to stop dementia)! Let’s help save these incredible creatures together:



Bees threatened by a common pesticide, EPA finds (LA Times)

US government says widely used pesticide could harm honeybees (The Guardian)

The EPA Finally Admitted That the World’s Most Popular Pesticide Kills Bees—20 Years Too Late (Mother Jones)

EPA Study Finds Insecticide Imidacloprid Poses Threat to Bees (Bloomberg)

What Is Killing America's Bees and What Does It Mean for Us? (Rolling Stone)

Avaaz.org is a 42-million-person global campaign network
 that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.