dimanche 28 février 2016

Publication (littérature mauricienne anglophone) : le premier RECUEIL DE POÈMES de Rattan GUJADHUR



Collection Lettres mauriciennes
Royal Road, 

Tél : 230 448 1035
Fax : 230 435 8115
site web : http://www.osmanpublishing.com/

Début mars, à Paris, un HOMMAGE au grand poète mauricien disparu Vinod RUGHOONUNDUN.

Claude Sterlin ROZEMA (Haïti)

à la page de garde du Hasard 
du sang caillé de maux en mots 
une noire reliure telle ma peau 
épinglée par les serres du Babel

libère-moi ô page froissée
j'ai trop vu de chair fouettée 
entre tes lignes indéfinies 
par les secousses phraséophiles gloutonnes

je m'y perds trop dans des cristaux d'encre mythique 
feutré de toutes les magnitudes humaines

ô poète en décombres 
que je suis 
culbutant dans un espace-temps 
envahi de novas d'immondices

ô poète craquelé de mots
d'étoiles libératrices 
que je suis 
en quête de mon obscure histoire 
contée en italique dans le livre du temps

Claude Sterlin ROZEMA
Extrait de Dans le mol aubier de l'arbre aux maux
Février 2016


Cercle de poésie et d'esthétique Jacques G.Krafft

a l'honneur de vous inviter à la séance du
Samedi 12 mars 2016 à 16 h 15 précises

à la Brasserie Lipp (salle du 1er étage)
151, Boulevard Saint-Germain à Paris 6ème

 « André du BOUCHET,
écrire à sa main  »


Didier CAHEN

vendredi 26 février 2016

L’ÎLE AU LOIN, poème de Patricia LARANCO (Île Maurice/France).

C’est un point de douleur
que l’on a voulu fuir
un point
sur l’océan
qu’on a laissé
au loin.

C’est un point
qui fait mal
comme trace
d’un poing
en foncé dans le coin,
le bas
de l’abdomen.

C’est un élancement,
un vortex, un trou noir
où tournent les non-dits,
les hontes
les quêtes obsédées, les oublis

C’est un point de lourdeur,
un point de non-retour
mais un point migrateur
qui a suivi nos corps ;
qui survit dans nos chairs
en toute discrétion
y enfonçant encore
sa pointe et son tranchant,
y tisonnant la plaie
intime de l’écart,
puits de séparation
entre temps et lieux.

Ailleurs toujours ici,
ici toujours ailleurs
et nulle part partout
et partout
à cheval…

C’est un point de douleur
qu’on a voulu quitter
mais quitte-t-on jamais
la chaleur
d’un fer rouge ?

Patricia Laranco.

José LE MOIGNE (Martinique/France).

Je ne décide pas
des paroles secrètes

je suis le trébuchant
l’oiseau gris des fontaines

la pierre de seuil usée 
par le tourment des sources

le 30 mars 2012

mercredi 24 février 2016


For marrying the man she loved, Saba’s father shot her in the head, stuffed her in a bag and dumped her in a river, and Pakistani law on "honour killings" allowed him to walk away free! But Saba survived, and her story is now an Oscar-nominated documentary. With the Oscars 4 days away, the Pakistani Prime Minister has promised to change the law, but activists fear it won't happen without a massive surge of global pressure. Sign the petition to end this hideous law and share now before we lose this moment:

Dear friends across the world,

For marrying the man she loved, Saba’s own father shot her in the head, stuffed her in a bag, and dumped her in a river. Then he walked free because of a loophole in Pakistani law that allows men to commit so-called "honour killings". But, incredibly, Saba survived and she has created a ray of hope to finally stop these outrages! We have four days to help her.

Saba’s story is now an Oscar-nominated documentary, and it’s all over the news. In response, the Pakistani PM just promised to end these heinous crimes, and sources say he's instructed his daughter Maryam to be part of the reform process. But activists fear that the bill will only be passed if the Oscar buzz is massive and public pressure is sustained.

Let’s urgently get 1 million of us behind this law before the Oscars on Sunday to ensure Saba’s story has the global spotlight, and then deliver it directly to the Prime Minister to help him push for a strong law. Sign and share with everyone, before we lose this moment :

Around the world a woman is killed every 90 minutes in an honour crime. Although Pakistan passed a law in 2004 against these murders, 70% of perpetrators in Pakistan walk free because of a “forgiveness” loophole in the law. If a woman is seen to bring “shame” on her family by refusing to enter an arranged marriage, looking too long at a boy, or even being raped, a man is free to kill her as long as another family member forgives him! There is a nobility in communities that value and protect their honour. But these killings are not about honour, they are about seeing women as property. And the forgiveness loophole protects that right to own and kill women and girls. 

A bill was tabled to eliminate this "forgiveness" clause, but it died without a powerful member of the ruling party to champion it. The Prime Minister, who has never before acted on this, has promised legal reforms to stop these crimes and involved his daughter, who is considered the heir to her father’s political party. But there will be push-back and experts say only global attention can give Saba, Maryam, and women’s rights activists across Pakistan the backing they need to change the system.

We have four days to make sure the Pakistani Parliament feels the world is watching and we won’t go away until "forgiveness" for honour killings is finally removed from Pakistan’s law. Let's make sure attention to Saba’s story at the Oscars is massive, and then take our call to Pakistan. Sign and share now to get the word out everywhere : 

We can make it happen. When Pakistani teenager Malala Yousafzai was shot by the Taliban, the world was outraged. In response, nearly 1 million of us called on the Pakistani government to fulfill her dream of education for all. After our petition was delivered directly to the Pakistani President, he launched a stipend programme for 3 million children. This is what happens when we come together! Let’s stand with the brave women of Pakistan now to help them create laws that protect them, cultures that defend their dignity, and communities that support their right to choose their own destinies.  

With hope and determination, 

Nell, Alaphia, Ari, Dalia, Ricken, Luis, Ben and the rest of the Avaaz team


Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif terms honour killing a 'stain on country' (NDTV)

PM Nawaz Sharif vows to eradicate honour killings after Oscar nod (The Express Tribune)

The case of Saba Qaiser and the film-maker determined to put an end to 'honour' killings (Guardian)

Avaaz.org is a 42-million-person global campaign network
 that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.



Avan Zedi 17 Mars, eski u ti pu kontan ekrir enn poem kurt lor refizye? Nu pe dimann u dan kad enn Riyding ki pu fer 4 zur apre sa dedlayn la? Si wi, kumans travay!

Sa lide pu fer sa riyding la sorti poet Umar Timol. Li, li finn gayn li atraver enn lasosyasyon kot li manb, World Poetry Movement, ki ansam ar lasosyasyon ekrivin PEN Internasyonal, Poets’ Circle, ek UN High Commission for Refugees, pe kordinn enn sware riyding partu dan lemond.

Alor, LPT ansam ek sa 3 lorganizasyon la, ena plezir invit u pu partisip dan enn sware poezi ki pu fer partu dan lemond mem, mem zur, Lindi 21 Mars an solidarite avek refizye. Li pu 5:30 pm, mem ler ki dernye fwa, ziska 7:00 pm. Li pu GRNW dan The Book Lover.

Depi enn an par la, u pu inn swiv, problem refizye finn vinn vizib akoz li finn poz enn problem pu Linyon Eropyin. Refizye finn debark dan pei Lerop, sirtu depi plas bombarde par Loksidan – Lirak, Afganistan, e tu dernyeman Lasiri ek osi Lalibi – e kot integris, kuma ISIS, pe rod pran kontrol dan sa vakim ki bombardman finn kite. Anfet, laplipar refizye Lasiri, zot finn al dan Latirki (plis ki 2 milyon), e dan Liban ek Zordani. Me, nu pa tro tann lor refizye dan sa bann pei ki pa dan Lerop la. 

LPT pe organiz sa Riyding Poezi pu Sutenir Refizye partu dan lemond, dan kad bann Riyding regilye ki LPT fek kumans fer. Premye la, u pu rapel, ti enn sware riyding an Zanvye an solidarite ar poet kondane a-mor Ashraf Fayadh. Anfet so kondanasyon finn kase, me selman li kondane asterla a 8 an prizon ek 800 kut fwet, alor nu solidarite pe kontiyne pandan so lapel. Dayer li-mem, li enn refizye Palestinyin, kuma 250,000 lezot ki viv dan Arabi Saudit, lor enn total 6 a 7 milyon refizye Palestinyin, alor nu dezyem Riyding, li tuzur pe sutenir li.

U kapav prezan pu partisipe. U kapav avoy enn poem avan le 17 lor tem refizye. U kapav donn lavwa pu lir enn poem.

Rapel Moris nu ena refizye deplase par sa-mem zeo-politik la: Chagosyin finn deplase par Britanik pu ki Leta Zini fer enn baz militer. Depi Diego Garcia ki anfet avyon finn dekole pu al bombard dimunn ki zordi refizye depi Irak ek Afghanistan kot laport Lerop. Rapel ki Moris suvan gayn refizye siklonn, move-tan. Buku Morisyin finn osi vinn refizye ekonomik, finn emigre akoz pena plas travay Moris Rodrig.

Si u ekrir, avoy enn poem, ala so kad:
- Li bizin rant kot LPT, kot nu pu dres program, avan midi Zedi le 17 Mars.
- Li bizin kurt. Pa plis ki 200 mo.
- Si zame u pa ule lir u poem, fer nu kone, nu rod enn volonter.

208 5551, 208 2132, 5 781 6256.
Sekreter LPT,
153 Main Road,
GRNW, Port Louis.


Dear friend, 

On Thursday, I woke up, put on my favorite suit and brought your voice, stories, and demands – our work together – to the President of the United States of America.
Along with other civil rights leaders, I visited the White House to meet with President Obama, Attorney General Lynch, Senior Advisor Valarie Jarrett and several members of the President’s team. I went to represent you and all ColorOfChange members who have been calling for action from the executive branch – the President and the Department of Justice – on a wide range of criminal justice and police reforms. I went to the meeting becauseyour voice has helped make ColorOfChange unignorable. I accepted the invite knowing that no single meeting or gesture changes power – but the work to organize, agitate and amplify must continue and increase. I went with belief that presence alone isn’t power – it doesn’t change written or unwritten rules – but presence is important to building power. And without outside power, our movement has no leverage. I went to the meeting understanding that any elected official despite their politics, inspirational backstory or good intentions has to be pushed and challenged. That is how we make democracy work.

During the 90-minute meeting with the President and his staff, I reminded him of ColorOfChange members working to fight the race-baiting attacks against him and his family during the 2008 election, our two-year corporate campaign that led to the firing of Glenn Beck (our campaign forced over 200 advertisers to pull their support from the Fox News show) for Beck’s racist attacks on the President and his consistent on-air racism. However, I spent the majority of my time urging the DOJ to use its power to deal with the civil right violations with money bail that kept folks like Sandra Bland in Texas and Kalief Browder in Rikers Island in the hands of the state.
I spoke about our work around district attorney and prosecutor elections (the President responded by saying that it was a very smart strategy – I welcomed him to bring his voice to this work). I talked through our current and upcoming campaigns on private prisons, prison labor and all the other structures that incentivize mass incarceration and directly asked the President to help us elevate the connections between money in politics and mass incarceration. I spoke about the need for culture change and our growing work in Hollywood to change images and perceptions because in less than a year President Obama will be a powerful person with a big platform and some free time. I also let him know that we had some challenges with the federal legislation on criminal justice reform; I made it clear that while we respect the desire to “get something done,” the amendments being batted around would do more long-term damage than good.
At ColorOfChange, we value our independence and haven’t spent a lot of our time in endless meetings on Capitol Hill or in government offices. We’ve worked to build the type of people-centered campaigns that rely more on our strategy and members than our money and connections. Know that everyday the ColorOfChange team works to elevate your voices through the type of campaigns that force those in power to respond and listen – to translate our presence in the world into the power that changes it. Thank you for the opportunity to serve and lead. It is a tremendous responsibility and honor.

Until Justice is Real,

Rashad Robinson

Help support our work. ColorOfChange.org is powered by YOU—your energy and dollars. We take no money from lobbyists or large corporations that don't share our values, and our tiny staff ensures your contributions go a long way.

ColorOfChange is building a movement to elevate the voices of Black folks and our allies, and win real social and political change. Help keep our movement strong.

Le poème d'amour A SACHITA du poète mauricien Anil GOPAL.

on s’est vus/ et on a cru/ qu’on n’allait/ jamais/ se perdre/
et on s’est perdus de vue/ 
dans les dunes sans lune/ 
dans l’espoir/
qu’on s’est laissés/ d’un jour/ 
se revoir/
on s’est rencontrés/ de nouveau/ 
dans quelque inconnue contrée/ 
pour ne jamais/ se quitter/ 
et on s’est quittés/ sans kiter/
presque/ dans le silence/ d’un lancéolé au printemps/
on a fait un bout de chemin ensemble/ 
ensuite/ nos chemins/se sont séparés/ 
on s’est revus/ 
on s’est parlé/ 
et on s’est rendu compte/
que nos chemins/ n’avaient jamais/ bifurqué/
en réalité/ on ne s’est jamais rencontrés/
puisqu’on a toujours été ensemble/
depuis des temps immémoriaux/
nos âmes/ ont traversé/ 
âges et galaxies/
on n’est qu’un …/

 le 14 février 2016

Claude Sterlin ROZEMA (Haïti).

ma nuit cernée d'empires 
et dans le tombeau de ma tête 
un trou noir plein d'idées en miettes 
qui soudain s'étirent 
comme ce barbelé surchauffé 
entourant mon non-lieu hanté 
d'une vérité châtiée 
de là mon écart à la réalité


Claude Sterlin ROZEMA.
Extrait du chaos d'être,
Février 2016

lundi 22 février 2016

LE CORPS, un poème de Patricia LARANCO.

Le corps
et sa robe de Rien,
sa toge de photons glacés,
son alvéole de vent clair
qui tourbillonne autour de lui…

Le corps qui n’a pour tous habits
que la distance exacerbée,
la carence
au vaste son creux,
le hasard festonné d’azur…

le corps-toupet,
le corps-toupie,
le corps tout peu,
le corps tout peur

abandonné à son parcours
sous l’immense linceul du ciel
et les grandes ailes tendues
des goélands dont l’œil
le perce.

Patricia Laranco.

Une très belle élégie de Gillian GENEVIÈVE.

La lumière me rend inutile 
Je ne suis plus que le miroir ébréché 
Des paysages ailés
Du souvenir

Je reste dans le noir
À l'ombre de l'absence
Dans la poussière 
De ce temps non partagé

Depuis tant de nuits
Je ne me suis plus réveillé
Enlisé dans les songes
À l'abri sous l'auvent du sommeil

Ma peau n'a plus de mémoire
Je ne connais plus l'étreinte
Du langage 
Des caresses et du désir

Le froid s'est blotti contre moi
Le silence aussi est un verbe
Il se conjugue à la consigne 
De ces instants sans partage

Mais je n'ai pas le chevalet 
Les couleurs 
Et la toile
Pour me déshabiller le cœur

La plaie ne se ferme pas
Elle reste entortillée
À mes vers
Assiégés par la mémoire

J'ai le visage enfoui
Dans les vestiges
Et la tristesse
D'un amour sans fin

J'ai déjà connu l'exil
Le bannissement
L'exode et la fin de tout
Quand tu es partie

Je sais que tu ne m'entends plus
Traversée par l'oubli
Tu es à l'autre bout
De notre histoire

Mais moi dans le chaos qui s'étend
Dans ce lit vide de toi et de sens
À la lisière de l'aube
Et de la douleur

J'en suis au tout début.