mardi 6 septembre 2022

U.S (NATIVE ORGANIZERS ALLIANCE) : Put the pressure on BIG OIL by demanding the measure of greenhouse gas emissions.




Put the pressure on Big Oil by demanding the measure of greenhouse gas
Ve, 2 Sep 2022 15:02
Judith LeBlanc, Native Organizers Alliance (ême Détails






Dear friend,



The Department of Transportation (DOT) is taking on climate change in a big way with a new rule to measure, report, and reduce pollution on national highways. 


The new rule includes requirements for the measurement and public report of the findings on these harmful emissions. It mandates the setting of specific targets for emission reductions.


Years of relentless climate justice organizing made it happen. We stopped the Keystone XL Pipeline. But we need governmental oversight to put an end to the climate crisis.


The DOT now needs your help to close the deal. And the fossil fuel industry is already hard at work to stop it. 


Join Native Organizers Alliance and others by telling the DOT that you support the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions for the protection of our Mother Earth and future generations.

We must submit as many supportive public comments as possible to drown out the pressure from Big Oil and its lobbyists who are working to stop reform. 


Big oil has super profits from price gouging, but we have grassroots people power !


Every voice makes a difference.







Judith LeBlanc (Caddo)

Executive Director.







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