vendredi 13 octobre 2017

U.S : Remove the volunteer who tried to force my daughter to stand for the anthem.

Ericka Johnson just started a petition to Hazel Park School District 

Remove Ms. Vance

Sign now

My daughter shouldn't be forced to stand for the anthem

Dear friend,

I just started a petition titled "Remove Ms. Vance"

On September 20th a volunteer at Ameilia's school 
tried to pull her from her seat because she refused 
to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. I say tried because 
as she yanked and pulled Millie under her arms trying to get 
her to stand she refused. I was in the hall right outside 
of the class talking to Millie's teacher and hadn't 
noticed until she started screaming "Mommy." When I 
stepped back in the class and said she doesn't have to 
stand for the pledge instead of taking her hands 
immediately off my child she looked at the teacher and 
asked if she had to stand. The teacher replied no and she 
then let my baby go.

Now anyone who knows me knows it took everything in me 
not to lose my temper. Mind you this was the 4th time 
that this volunteer had put her hands on Ameilia in an 
inappropriate way in FRONT of me. I had already met with 
the principal and was in the hall talking to the teacher about 
her at that moment. When the teacher and I stepped back in 
the hall after both witnessing this she told me that she would 
speak to Mrs.Vance. I then told her that I was planning to 
let her know that Millie didn't want to stand for the 
pledge and I had told her she didn't have too.

Join me in telling Hazel Park School District to respect 
my daughters right to sit.

Ameilia has said she didn't know why she had to stand for 
the pledge and that she didn't feel like it and I told her that 
she didn't have to. When she didn't stand and sat quietly in 
her seat that should have been that. Unfortunately, the teacher 
then told me that she wanted Millie to "understand what 
was afforded to her in this country because in some 
countries 5-year-olds don't go to school. They wake up 
and go to sweatshops." I can only imagine what would 
have happened if I wasn't there. I can only imagine my 
child being in one of the videos we have all seen where 
School Resource Officers use excessive force against 
our children. She could have gotten written up and 
punished like many other Black girls and boys have 
been making our children seem like criminals before 
they grow up.

Will you sign the petition and forward this email to 
make sure your voice is heard? Add your name here.

I had already met with the principal about this volunteer 
grabbing Millie before this incident and after this incident, 
I called the Superintendent. Nothing has happened to 
the teacher or the volunteer but Ameilia's class was 
changed as if she had done something wrong. Now I 
am being told that I am not allowed to walk my 5-year-old to 
class because it's board policy even though I walked her to 
class every day before this incident. I asked to see this 
policy in writing but it still has not been provided to me. 
My child and I are being punished because she decided 
to sit and I decided to take a stand for her.
It is unacceptable for Hazel Park School District to have 
volunteers physically forcing children to stand for the 
pledge. My daughter decided not to stand and I supported 
her as a parent. Instead of taking the right steps and 
removing Ms. Vance from the classroom my child had to 
change classes and now I'm not allowed to walk her to class 
as I've always done. Clearly, we are being targeted by the 
school. Tell Hazel Park School District to remove Ms. 
Vance and stop punishing my daughter for sitting for 
the anthem.

Sign the Petition here.

Thank you,

Ericka Johnson

Sign now

Color Of Change is building a movement to 
elevate the voices of Black folks and our 
allies, and win real social and political 

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