Dear friend,
It's time for the House of Representatives to impeach Brett Kavanaugh.
An explosive new investigation by The New York Times came out last weekend with yet another credible accusation of sexual assault against the Supreme Court justice. The report also details new evidence that Kavanaugh lied under oath during his Supreme Court confirmation hearings. Lied not once. Not twice. But literally dozens of times.1
Now, outrage is growing and pressure is building on the House to move forward with impeachment proceedings. The House Judiciary Committee has the authority and responsibility to begin an investigation into the accusations of sexual assault and perjury--and hold Kavanaugh accountable.2 The good news is that if we can show enough public pressure, Democrats in the House might act. That's why UltraViolet members are calling on Congress to launch impeachment investigations NOW–can you join them ?
Tell your member of Congress :
We cannot allow a serial sexual abuser
who lied under oath repeatedly to sit on the highest court
in the nation.
Impeach Brett Kavanaugh now.
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It is clear that the FBI investigation into Kavanaugh's history of sexual misconduct last year was a sham. The probe focused more on clearing a conservative nominee for the Supreme Court than on obtaining the truth.3 But the allegations detailed by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez, and Julie Swetnick make it evident that Kavanaugh is a serial sexual predator and a liar who perjured himself during his nomination hearings.
Last year, thousands of people took action with UltraViolet to stop Kavanaugh from gaining his lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court. Maria Gallagher, an UltraViolet member and survivor, transformed her rage into action and made national news when she famously confronted Senator Jeff Flake in an elevator.4 We must maintain our fire and courage to finish what we started. Getting Kavanaugh impeached will send a message that one's lack of integrity and pattern of sexual violence will not be tolerated in our democracy.
Thanks for speaking out.
Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Kathy, Anathea, Melody, Pam, Lindsay, Sonja and Kimberly, and the UltraViolet team
Sources :
1. Brett Kavanaugh Fit In With the Privileged Kids. She Did Not., The New York Times, September 14, 2019
2. Some Democrats call for Kavanaugh impeachment over new sexual misconduct claims, NBC News, September 15, 2019
3. During Kavanaugh Hearings, Senator Alerted F.B.I. to New Allegation, The New York Times, September 16, 2019
4. Our Work to #StopKavanaugh, UltraViolet, accessed September 17, 2019

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