jeudi 27 juin 2024

EKO : Stop the BANKS !


This weekend, the world's top central banks will meet in Switzerland to discuss their common rulebook, the The Basel Framework. Central banks still inject billions into fossil fuels -- but the rulebook can be changed to stop bankers funding climate chaos.

Help get to 100,000 signatures, and we'll deliver them this urgent petition :


From deadly floods in Libya, Hong Kong, Greece and Brazil to 

record temperatures in Antarctica, we are facing the direct 

consequences of reckless fossil fuel extraction.

But we have a key opportunity to help stop runaway climate 

change and protect our precious planet.

Central banks and financial regulators have the power to change 

the rules right at the top and cut off funding to fossil fuel projects.

Let's come together to demand that they adopt new fair financial 

rules and stop banks from funding these dirty projects -- add your 

name now :

Call on the central banks governors now to stop funding fossil 

fuels and save our future.

Banks are one of the key enablers for fossil fuels projects. They 

provide the money to build and maintain projects like coal mines. 

But if there is no money for this, there would be no coal mines in 

Europe, no crude oil pipelines in Africa and no mega-gas 

projects in the Arctic.

Entire livelihoods and ecosystems are being devastated in the 

name of immediate profit -- violating frontline communities’ most 

basic human rights and threatening our chance of a liveable future on 

our shared home, Earth.

Banks may seem like untouchable giants, but they abide by rules 

too and by changing the rules at the top, we can cut off the roots of 

the problem.

We can’t afford to keep extracting and burning fossil fuels, banks 

need to invest in sustainable energies and renewable energy projects. 

This meeting is a unique chance to get all regulators’ attention and 

influence the decisions. Let’s show them that thousands of people 

from across the globe are paying close attention to their votes 

and calling for a fair and just financial system.

Call on central bankers to stop bankrolling our destruction and 

adopt new financial rules that put people and planet over fossil 


The mobilisation against financial actors is growing -- from Uganda, 

Argentina, Australia, Korea, the USA, Switzerland, the Arctic, 

France, the UK… Frontlines communities, Indigenous groups, 

activists, NGOs, experts and ALL OF US are facing insurers and 

banks to hold them accountable for their destruction.

We’re making them back off from entire fossil projects and adopt 

new fossil fuel exclusion policies. People power works !

Today, we can demand central banks adopt new financial rules that 

put people and planet over fossil profits. But we can’t do it alone :

Today, we can change the top rules guiding their investments. 

But we can’t do it alone :

Will you call on central bankers to stop bankrolling our 

destruction and adopt new financial rules that put people and 

planet over fossil profits?


Thanks for all that you do,

Leyla, Daphne, Ildem and the team at

More information :

Banks continue to finance fossil fuels.
Green Central Banking. 28 April 2023.

Banks and Climate.
BankTrack. 10 May 2023.




Ekō is a community of people from around the world committed to curbing the growing power of corporations. We want to buy from, work for and invest in companies that respect the environment, treat their workers well and respect democracy. And we’re not afraid to stand up to them when they don’t.

Please help keep Ekō strong by chipping in 3 € or become an Ekō core member with a regular monthly donation.


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