vendredi 7 juin 2024



Plastic waste covering a beach in Bali, Indonesia.

BP and Exxon are scared out their minds. They’ve banked their 

future on plastic – and now governments want to phase it out.

It’s why oil giants just sent 196 lobbyists to Canada to try to scupper 

talks on a global plastics treaty.

They’ll do anything to save themselves. But we’ve got a plan to 

hit back hard.

If everyone reading this chips in the cost of a coffee, we can 

launch our own, people’s lobbying push ahead of the next, crucial 

round of talks in November, placing billboards outside the doors of 

key decision-makers, running ads naming and shaming 

politicians who take meetings with plastics giants, and represent the 

victims of plastic during the talks – like Indonesian fishing 

communities whose livelihoods have been shattered by pollution.

This is the last, best shot to save the world from plastic pollution. 

Can you chip in now ?

DONATE €4Donate another amount

Every day brings new, worse news on plastic. One study just found 

microplastics in every single testicle it sampled, and scientists say this 

could be driving a long-term drop in male fertility. But still plastic 

production rates are surging.

This is the warped reality we live in, where the interests of a handful 

of corporations override every. single. other. thing. Even the future of 


We will never accept this as normal. That’s why we’re striking back, 

using our collective strength to fight step by step, piece by piece for a 

world free of toxic plastic pollution. And we need every single one of 


A strong global plastics treaty would be one of those epic turning 

points – when people everywhere get to glimpse a different, brighter 

future, and the world is galvanised into action. We’ve got a plan, a 

team, and we’re ready to hit go – but we can’t do it without you. 

Can you chip in now ?

DONATE €4Donate another amount

Thanks for all that you do,

Yasmin and the Ekō team.

More information :

The Guardian 25 April 2024.

The Guardian 23 April 2024.

Mongabay 07 May 2024.


Ekō is a worldwide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy.

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