mardi 4 juin 2024

U.K (EKO) : Rounded up for RWANDA !


A placard at a demonstration reads "no human being is illegal"

The UK government is rounding up asylum seekers to send to 

Rwanda under its brutal deportations scheme – the latest in a 

repressive crackdown on migrants’ rights across the world.

People fleeing war, natural disasters, persecution… now being 

treated like animals in the place they sought sanctuary.

But there are also heroic humans fighting to protect them. And we 

can help.

The volunteer-run group Care4Calais is working round the clock to 

mount an emergency response – staffing 24-hour helplines and 

finding immediate legal support for anyone detained. But the 

workload is surging and they’re tiny in number. That’s where we 

come in.

If everyone reading this chips in the cost of a coffee, we can 

help them scale up fast, hiring new case-workers to help defend 

the human rights of every single person seized under this horrific 


These heroes have stopped Rwanda flights before – they can do it 

again now. But they need to act fast. Can you chip in to give hope 

in the darkness ?

DONATE €4Donate another amount

Many of those targeted for expulsion to Rwanda have been detained 

at routine immigration appointments – seized with just the clothes 

on their back, isolated from people they know, held in suffocating 

detention centres to await a desperate outcome.

It’s unfathomably cruel. UN experts have warned that this sadistic 

plan will set a dangerous global precedent – which is why we have 

to fight this with all we've got. From the UK to Greece, refugees are 

being victimized by far-right, racist policies that are costing lives.

But the world is made from more than right-wing politicians. And 

good people across the UK are coming together right now to 

stand up to the savagery – to protest, blockade and resist Rwanda 

flights and to use legal expertise to fight for a more humane world

Dear friend, this is a chance to help power that fight, by rushing 

money to those in the front line to ramp up their capacity to provide 

vital legal and emotional support.

If they can block Rwanda deportations, it won’t just save lives 

right now : it will send a crucial message to the UK – and 

governments everywhere – that we won’t sit back and let them treat 

refugees like dirt. Are you in ?

DONATE €4Donate another amount

Thanks for all that you do,

Danny and the Ekō team.

More information :

classified as adults, says charity The Guardian 01 May 2024.

30 April 2024.

Rwanda operation The Guardian 28 April 2024.


Ekō is a worldwide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy.

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