lundi 30 novembre 2015

Parution (poésie belge) : le dernier recueil de Arnaud DELCORTE.


cris de marsouins et sirènes à 4 heures
homicide identitaire en contrebas

take care baby
i close the door
quicksilver in your compound eyes
a thousand oceans



morose ce carnaval des pleurs 
qui, sans les couleurs vives 

sans les visages gais 

et la liesse effrénées des chants, 

décide d'investir les rues infiniment

Bobby PAUL



Dear extraordinary Avaazers, 

We did it! Despite losing our flagship Paris event, this weekend's Global Climate March still broke records as thelargest climate mobilisation in history! From São Paulo to Sydney, 785,000 of us shook the ground in over 2,300 events in 175 countries, united in one voice calling for a 100% clean energy future to save everything we love. It was front page media worldwide, and the impact is already being felt at the summit here in Paris. 

It’s nearly impossible to describe the powerful and diverse beauty of humanity that rose up yesterday, but these photos help : 

London, U.K

This is the movement our world has been waiting for. Many countries, from Bangladesh to Ireland, saw the largest climate marches in their history. In Australia, 120,000 people marched, in India, over 100,000. And in towns across the planet small groups of us joined together in beautiful local events. Even in Sana'a, Yemen, organisers went ahead with their march despite bombs falling close to the route ! 

From top left : Melbourne, Helsinki, Berlin, Jakarta, Bogota, Amsterdam.

In France, massive planned marches of over 500,000 people were cancelled for security concerns, but Avaazers rallied to collect and display over 20,000 shoes of people who wanted to march -- including the Pope’s and the UN Secretary General’s! -- placed at the Place de la Republique, right on the doorstep of the climate talks : 

Global climate marches were covered by hundreds of major news outlets and made the front pages from Al Jazeera to the New York Times. 

Pope Francis’ envoy said of our marches: "The Pope is in spirit with hundreds of thousands today, hand in hand with the poor and those who seek climate justice.” And Christiana Figueres, the head of the UN Climate talks, thanked us all and announced: “I am working with Avaaz to install a large screen for your voices to be heard. All delegates will be able to see your support for a strong climate change agreement that protects our common home.’’

Click to see more pictures from the day and messages from those who marched

Today, the crucial climate talks begin. For years politicians have said to us “Show us that people care and then we will act". This weekend we’ve showed them that the whole world wants a 100% clean energy deal. And right now a video of us demanding it is screening above Heads of State as they enter the conference. They can’t miss us. And they won’t miss our call either -- Avaaz’s top staff are right inside the summit and will be carrying our voices to the negotiators everytime they try to dilute the deal.

We have taken our movement to a new level this weekend. Over the next two weeks, let’s keep coming back again and again, to keep our flame of hope held high, to shake these talks, until we win a deal to protect our future.

With so much gratitude and determination, 

Emma, Alice, Luis, Ricken, Ben, Mais, Dan and the whole Avaaz team 

P.S. Click here for an Op-Ed from our CEO, Ricken Patel, on this moment as a test of humanity. is a 41-million-person global campaign network
 that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

dimanche 29 novembre 2015


On voudrait être moins conscient –
moins pénétré
de ce qui est
car quelquefois
ça fait trop mal.

On préférerait
être un bloc,
un roc opaque, rien
qu’un corps
une glaise brute sculptée
sans pensée sans nerfs sensitifs,
un paquet de viande têtu
qui, à l’instar du sanglier
se contenterait de foncer
à l’aveugle
dans les taillis.

Mais non, notre lucidité
lumière cruelle aux dards froids
nous percent de part en part
des mains de Lucifer
ne nous laisse pas en repos.
Où est
le paradis perdu ?

Patricia Laranco.

Un beau texte de François LAUR (France), LE PLUS NU DE LA NUIT .

Qu’elle bondisse sur la plage ou des rocs, en lisière de nuit (la nuit fût-elle ravagée) jamais nulle vague n'assèche. Lointain, limites à outrepasser, tous vocables liés à la vue, le garrot en est desserré, déferlante après déferlante, au ressac comme à l’afflux, par crédit d’oreille précise. La fièvre, le serein, le flot inséparable : le perpétuel n’est que par la rumeur saline. Ce sera parfait nocturne, fourré dense où battent les grands poulpes et grande nappe éblouissante si, avec le halètement des vagues dans la tête, on en sent la résonance et la dévastation parmi le souffle issant de nos poitrines : sans cesse en eux s’abreuvent nos paroles, les inventrices du désir, des huées, des silences d’angoisse, des vastes éclats de larmes jubilants, sans cesse d’eux nous recueillons ces inflexions aventureuses du gouffre et de la cime par grain violent, sous la mitraille du poudrin, jeunesse musicale des eaux ivres, dansantes et nues d’où naît l’aurore fluctueuse et véhémente assoiffée d’opulents ruisseaux. Peut-être ainsi pourrons-nous affronter le calme plat préludant à une croisière heureuse.

François LAUR

samedi 28 novembre 2015

Et nous retrouvons la belle plume de Gillian GENEVIEVE (Île Maurice).

Le corps est le réceptacle de tous les vents. Et la peau égratignée et ridée par le temps est la partition à travers laquelle l'âme apprend l'alphabet du tout et du hasard afin d'écrire les lignes de l'ivresse, des rêves et de la nécessaire folie.

Il faut exposer le corps à la lumière et à la nuit insoumise; se laisser prendre par l'imprévu et le charme de l'instant. On fait ainsi le seul apprentissage possible des sens et de l'imaginaire. Rêver et aimer en dépendent.




Thomas Smith a petition to Walmart Market Manager Tyler Curtis stating: 
We demand that Thomas Smith be immediately reinstated by Walmart market manager Tyler Curtis and transferred to a nearby store. He was fired for redeeming $2 worth of empty cans left behind as trash in a Walmart shopping cart. In addition, we demand that Walmart retract their accusation of theft and apologize to Mr. Smith.
Sign now →

Thomas Smith standing in front of Walmart

Dear friends,

I just started a petition titled

Here's why this is important: 
Hi my name is Thomas Smith. I loved my job at a Walmart in East Greenbush, NY, where I made $9 an hour putting away shopping carts and picking up trash from the parking lot. After being released from prison and facing homelessness earlier this year, I felt like I was really getting my life on track. But then last Friday, after I worked over-time to assist my managers, I was abruptly fired. The reason? I redeemed about $2 worth of empty cans and bottles left in an abandoned shopping cart just inside the store.
I didn't know you couldn't take empties left behind. They were garbage. I didn't even get a chance to explain myself to the manager. I was never told that redeeming bottles wasn’t allowed and I immediately paid back the money. I worked hard at Walmart and did a good job. I ended up getting a raw deal. They just told me to turn in my badge.
There’s a double standard at my store. My manager told me that a cashier in my store, who is white, was caught on camera stealing $20 from a cash register and stuffing it into her bra. She paid the money back, but she wasn’t fired.
I’ve worked hard to turn my life around. And I worked hard at Walmart - I was only a few weeks away from passing my 90-day probation period. I shouldn’t have been fired for redeeming cans that were left for trash.
Thank you,

Thomas Smith

Sign now →

ColorOfChange is building a movement to elevate the voices of Black folks and our allies, and win real social and political change. Help keep our movement strong.


Cercle de poésie et d'esthétique Jacques G.Krafft

a l'honneur de vous inviter à la séance du
Samedi 12 décembre 2015 à 16 h 15 précises

à la Brasserie Lipp (salle du 1er étage)
151, Boulevard Saint-Germain à Paris 6ème

Le prix ALIENOR 2015
est décerné à
Jean-Pierre THUILLAT
pour son recueil Dans les Ruines
publié aux Editions L’Arrière-Pays


Les poètes d’Aliénor

La capacité de la salle est limitée par la réglementation sur la sécurité des établissements recevant du public. En cas d’affluence, priorité sera donnée aux adhérents du Cercle. Les autres personnes seront admises dans la limite des places disponibles.

Le Comité Aliénor

Séance suivante : le 9 janvier 2016 Joëlle Pagès-Pindon donnera le second volet de sa présentation de Marguerite Duras, avec « Mes livres sont plus vrais que moi ».

vendredi 27 novembre 2015

AVAAZ : let's deliver the “UNDIVIDED” message

ISIS attacks seek to spread hate and fear to divide the world's 1.5 billion Muslims from everyone else. Let's answer their hate with wisdom. By fiercely welcoming each other into our one human family like never before. Sign the global "Undivided" message now, add your own message and when 500,000 join we'll run ads in key newspapers : 

Dear amazing Avaazers,

History is made in moments, often of crisis and uncertainty, and the wisdom with which we meet them. This is one of those moments.

ISIS's goal is to split the human family. To divide the world's 1.5 billion Muslims from everyone else. Those in our societies who sow fear, suspicion and hatred of Muslims - the Rupert Murdochs and Donald Trumps - are the best allies the extremists who attacked Paris and Beirut could ask for.

Muslims are almost one quarter of humanity, and 99% are as horrified by the ISIS attacks as everyone else. They have been the greatest victims of ISIS, and have the greatest power to help defeat it. So let's answer hate with humanity, and seize this chance for transformative change. For all of us - Muslims and Non-Muslims everywhere - to fiercely welcome each other into our one human family like never before.

Sign the global "Undivided" message, add your own, and share the page with everyone - If enough us join now, we can start a global wave of solidarity, and make the pain of these attacks the birth pangs of a more beautiful world. When we get to 500,000 signatures Avaaz will run ads in Muslim community papers and online, as well as key right wing papers that spread fear and division :  

The real front line of this war is not just in the dusty towns of Syria and Iraq, but in the media and social media forums where the stories we tell ourselves compete. There is a fraternity of ignorance and hatred and it stretches across borders, in which extremists on all sides work together to drag the rest of us down into their backward world of spiralling brutality.

Our governments will need to increase their vigilance in preventing attacks, and support military efforts to defeat ISIS. But our job as people, and our leaders' jobs as moral leaders, is to ensure that love, the transformational antidote to ISIS' hate, blooms between Muslims and everyone else everywhere. THAT would be ISIS' worst nightmare - it might even give some of the angry young men they recruit cause to hesitate - a chance to see an alternative as inspiring to them as the backward brand of faith that ISIS markets.

At the darkest times, our light as humanity can shine brightest. Human rights were not recognized until after the second world war. The world got it wrong after 9/11, when leaders like George Bush played into Al Qaeda's hands by stoking Islamaphobia. This time, let's be wiser, come together as Muslims and non-Muslims more closely than ever before, and brightly shine the light of the world we're building : 

From a place of love, we might begin to listen to our brothers and sisters among Muslims that have lent ISIS some support. First and foremost those Sunnis from Syria and Iraq, who have been treated unjustly by Iraq's government, and incredibly brutally oppressed by Syria's dictator Al Assad. We might begin to understand that when we failed to offer their families protection and relief from the horrors they faced, ISIS offered that protection, and some accepted it. We might focus on learning from this, and offering them a better deal.

With that lesson, we might see the stories of the peoples around the world that ISIS fighters come from. From Chechnya, where generations of Muslim families were horrifically murdered by Russian military while the world looked away. Or from Egypt, or Algeria, or dozens of other countries, where sickeningly brutal state security police have tortured and murdered countless Muslims who dared to stand up to their venal corruption - something that is a religious responsibility for Muslims.

And maybe then we will understand that while ISIS is a monster that we must defeat, the monster is more than just the group itself. It's the desperation of millions of people suffering under horrific conditions, and looking for a way out. And the rest of us in the human family, Muslims and non-Muslims, have either looked away, failed to effectively address, or often, backed and supported these horrors.

So let's seize this moment with wisdom, to bring down the monster we face, the one we all have lines of responsibility for. Let's see the human family united like never before to defeat ISIS - not just on the battlefield, but in our own societies, in the media and social media, and most of all in the thousands of Muslim communities that live today around the world in fear.  Let's encourage Muslim and Non-Muslim communities everywhere to embrace each other, welcome refugees with compassion, escalate our pressure on Egypt and other brutal governments to stop brutalizing opponents and creating the ISIS' of the future, redouble our efforts to achieve a peace deal in Syria, protect at-risk communities like the Rohingya, stop the US' constant terrifying drone attacks on communities, and ensure that the military actions we support are scrupulously careful to avoid traumatizing the civilians who are suffering enough already under ISIS' boot. If we do these things, we'll do far more than defeat ISIS, we'll defeat the misery that has given rise to them, and in a way that takes the human family one wiser step further on our journey together.

With love and gratitude for this amazing community, 

Ricken, Luis, Ben, Alice, Rewan, Elana, Mohammed, Steve, Emma and the whole Avaaz team is a 41-million-person global campaign network
 that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

Umar TIMOL (Île Maurice).


L'écriture sera secrète. Elle se déploiera dans les marges du temps, à l'abri de tous les spectacles, elle fera sienne l'indifférence, elle inscrira non pas sa trace mais l'ombre de sa trace dans la chair des larmes, elle sera frémissement ou murmure, qu'importe, elle saura les connivences de l'éphémère, elle sera invisible comme l'est la lumière qui descelle les rêves, elle ne cessera de se métamorphoser, elle sera pierre ou extase, étoile ou néant, plaie ou brume, qu'importe car elle sera toujours du nomadisme, elle creusera les sillons de son absence dans des parchemins épuisés, elle s'effacera plus vite que l'empreinte de la mer sur la rive de peaux assoiffées. L'écriture sera secrète. Tellement secrète qu'elle n'appartiendra qu'à l'être, - un seul être suffit - qui en sait le sens. Être qui la fera resplendir des magnificences d’un unique aveu, celui de son éternité.


jeudi 26 novembre 2015

U.S : A horrific execution !

Prosecutor Anita Alvarez tried to cover-up the brutal police killing of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald.
Anita Alvarez stands in the way of justice for Black Chicagoans. Tell her to resign:

Dear friend,

Yesterday, officials released graphic video of Chicago Police Officer Jason Van Dyke fatally shooting 17-year-old Laquan McDonald 16 times last October.1 It’s an unimaginably painful video that you don’t have to watch to know its horror. Now, State's Attorney Anita Alvarez has charged Officer Van Dyke with 1st degree murder — the first time in 30 years that a Chicago police officer has faced criminal charges for an on-duty shooting.2
Officer Van Dyke’s arrest is a critical step forward, but it’s too little, too late. Officials, including State's Attorney Alvarez, have known about Laquan’s murder for over a year now and there is evidence that they were trying to cover it up.3 It's unacceptable, and part of a much larger crisis of anti-Black police violence and police impunity in Chicago. Chicago law enforcement kill more Black people than police in almost every other city, yet police are simply never charged.4

After Officer Van Dyke fatally shot Laquan on October 20th, 2014, police said it "self-defense." They claimed that Laquan "lunged" at the police with a small knife and then closed the case, making no mention of video evidence. Thanks to a whistleblower in the city government, we now know that the police's story of Laquan's killing was a total lie.5The graphic video shows Laquan walking up a street and moving out of the way when Office Van Dyke and his partner jump out of their police car. Within seconds, Officer Van Dyke fires two shoots causing Laquan to fall to the ground. As the teen lay in a fetal position, Officer Van Dyke fired another 14 fatal shoots.6 The next day, police deleted 86 minutes worth of footage from a nearby Burger King that caught the killing on camera.7
State's Attorney Anita Alvarez is one of the worst prosecutors in America.8 Although she had access to the video of LaQuan's murder for over a year, she didn't indict Officer Van Dyke until she knew the video would be released and her political career would be threatened if she didn't act. According to the investigative journalists who broke news of the video, “at every level, from the cops on the scene to the highest levels of government, they responded [to Laquan’s killing] by circling the wagons and by fabricating a narrative that they knew was completely false.” 9 Of course, Prosecutor Alvarez is yet to charge any of the other officers or police leadership that helped cover-up Laquan's killing. How can we trust a prosecutor who protected Officer Van Dyke for a year knowing that he murdered a teenager?
What happened to LaQuan is far too common in Chicago and across the country. Chicago police shoot on average 50 people a year, yet no one is ever charged.10 In fact, Chicago law enforcement kill more Black people than cops in almost every other city, and thanks to Prosecutor Alvarez this crisis is likely to continue.11 Her failure to secure justice for Black families goes beyond negligence to deep-seated corruption. In April, Prosecutor Alvarez tanked the case against Chicago Police Officer Dante Servin for fatally shooting 22-year-old Rekia Boyd in order to protect her relationship to the local police union, which donates to her campaign.12 We cannot allow this corruption and systemic racial discrimination to continue. Prosecutor Alvarez is up for re-election next year. If enough people take action we can get her out of office before it's too late.

Thanks you,

Scott, Arisha, Lyla, Enchanta, Josh, and the rest of the ColorOfChange team.
November 25th, 2015


1. "Laquan McDonald video reveals false police account – but still leaves gaps," Guardian 11-25-2015

2. "Chicago Activist: City’s Call for Peace over Laquan McDonald Video Does Not Extend to Police Dept.," Democracy Now! 11-24-2015

3. "How Chicago tried to cover up a police execution," Chicago Reporter 11-24-2015

4. "Chicago tops in fatal police shootings among big US cities," Chicago Sun-Times 07-26-2015

5. "Journalist on Shooting of Laquan McDonald By Chicago Police Officer: “It Was An Horrific Execution," Democracy Now! 11-24-2015

6. See reference 5.

7. See reference 1.

8. "The horrifying behavior of Anita Alvarez, Chicago's head prosecutor," Daily Kos 11-24-2015

9. See reference 5.

10. See reference 8.

11. "City Comparison Tool," We the Protesters

12. See reference 8.

ColorOfChange is building a movement to elevate the voices of Black folks and our allies, and win real social and political change. Help keep our movement strong.


En 2080, le cacao va disparaître

CCFD-Terre Solidaire


Ce scénario pourrait devenir une réalité si l’on n’agit pas aujourd’hui.
Si pour nous c’est une mauvaise nouvelle, pour d’autres,
c’est une véritable tragédie. Dans les pays du sud,
les changements climatiques menacent l’ensemble de l’agriculture.

Bonjour ,
Comme vous le savez, 795 millions de personnes souffrent de la faim aujourd’hui. Mais savez-vous qu’en 2080, elles seront 600 millions de plus à cause des dérèglements climatiques ?
Dans les pays du Sud, les dérèglements climatiques menacent l’ensemble de l’agriculture : multiplication des évènements climatiques extrêmes, diminution des terres cultivables, chute des rendements agricoles… les denrées de base risquent de devenir plus chères et donc plus difficiles d’accès pour les plus vulnérables.
Pourtant, des solutions d’avenir existent pour assurer la sécurité alimentaire de tous. Elles sont déjà mises en œuvre par les partenaires du CCFD-Terre Solidaire : agro-écologie, lutte contre l’accaparement des terres et les lobbies de l’agro-industrie, aide à l’adaptation aux dérèglements climatiques…
Jusqu’au 11 décembre, Paris accueille la COP21, la 21ème conférence des Nations Unies sur le climat. C’est le moment d’agir pour que nos dirigeants prennent les bonnes décisions. C’est pourquoi le CCFD-Terre Solidaire a lancé une campagne :
pour amplifier son impact, nous vous invitons à agir.

Victimes du climat

Aidez les victimes du climat à se faire entendre lors de la COP 21
avec le CCFD-Terre Solidaire
Le Comité catholique contre la faim et pour le développement – Terre Solidaire œuvre depuis 50 ans au développement des pays du Sud.Pour tout commentaire ou question, visitez notre site internet ou écrivez-nous via ce formulaire.
Crédit photo : Merci Getty Image

LIGHT EFFECTS, photos by Patricia LARANCO.




Photographies : Patricia Laranco.

All rights reserved.