mercredi 28 août 2019

U.S : demand that ABC drop Sean SPICER today !

We will not let them normalize white

Demand that ABC drop Sean Spicer from
"Dancing with the Stars"

Dear friend,

There is nothing entertaining about a white nationalist Trump enabler dancing with celebrities. As Trump’s official spokesperson, former Press Secretary Sean Spicer repeatedly lied to the public — defending Trump’s harmful policies and even lying about the impact of Hitler.1 Sean Spicer should be ostracized for the heinous acts he committed while in office, not given an opportunity to make six figures dancing on national television.

By including Sean Spicer on the family friendly show “Dancing with the Stars,” ABC is attempting to make viewers feel light-hearted about a disgraced white nationalist and about essentially endorsing the racism and violence of the Trump administration. In recent mass shootings, white nationalist terrorists quoted hate speech used by Trump and defended by Spicer.2 

Having Sean Spicer on the weekly show would be an endorsement of the white nationalism and dangerous violence that has increased as a result of Trump’s presidency.

THIS IS NOT NORMAL. Such action is expected from a far-right network such as Fox News. But ABC, a subsidiary of the Walt Disney Company, claims to be a socially responsible corporation. We will not let them normalize white nationalism.

A typical cast of “Dancing with the Stars” consists of music icons, former pro-athletes, and reality TV stars — actual celebrities. It shouldn’t include a nefarious former government official who failed the country. Even the show’s host was against including Spicer, but ABC chose to “go in a different direction.”3

Whether ABC intends to attract and engage white nationalist viewers or to rebrand white nationalists leaders as members of society with differing views, the result of ABC’s actions is an endorsement of white nationalist ideology and culture and an integration of those viewpoints into mainstream society. We will not let them normalize white nationalism.

Until justice is real,

Brandi, Rashad, Arisha, Evan, Johnny, Eesha, Samantha, Marcus, FolaSade and the rest of the Color of Change team

References :

1. “Sean Spicer Raises Outcry With Talk of Hitler, Assad and Poison Gas”, New York Times, April 11, 2017,
2. “Trump rhetoric freshly condemned after mass shootings”, Politico, August 4, 2019,
3. “Sean Spicer on 'Dancing with the Stars ?' ABC staffers say 'it's a slap in the face'”, CNN Business, August 22, 2019,

Color Of Change is building a movement to elevate the voices of Black folks and our allies, and win real social and political change. Help keep our movement strong.

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