samedi 30 juin 2018

U.S : It’s time for corporations to cut off hate.

Milo Yiannopoulos encouraged vigilantes to kill journalists just hours before the shooting and double downed on that sentiment after the shooting.

Help stop people like Milo from enabling violence and hostility toward journalists and Black people.

Dear friend. 

Yesterday’s mass shooting in Annapolis was the deadliest day for US journalists since 9/11. It underscores the dangers members of the media face in this climate where the president and other high profile influencers refer to them as “enemies” and “vermin.” Regardless of the motivation of this particular shooter, Milo Yiannopoulos encouraged vigilantes to kill journalists just before the shooting and doubled down on that sentiment after the shooting.1 2

This is unacceptable and dangerous. We’re already working to get Milo removed from Facebook and Instagram to further limit the reach of his hateful rhetoric, but there are still so many more platforms that Milo is exploiting and we need your help getting him off of them. From Amazon and Barnes & Noble letting him sell his hate filled book to YouTube allowing him to spread his message - we need more resources to push corporations to cut off Milo.

We cannot allow people like Milo to use online platforms to spread and monetize hateful and violent messages.

Milo’s actions, both on and offline, have fed an environment that encourages violence against the press and people of color. Milo actively rallies his followers to do actual harm to actual people. He harassed and outed a trans student by name during a talk at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.3He led the charge for the sexual and racial harassment of actress Leslie Jones.4 He gave Gamergate mainstream legitimacy and a platform that greatly elevated the harassment of female reporters in the industry.5 Recently, he sent a coded neo-nazi message that means “Heil Hitler” to a Jewish fact checker at the New Yorker.6

At issue here is not freedom of speech but the freedom to treat other people, particularly vulnerable ones, badly; the freedom to whip up racist, misogynistic, anti-Trans and xenophobic fears without facing any consequence; the freedom to embolden forces that represent a tangible danger to people. We need to keep organizing to shutdown hate.

In the last 18 months we’ve made major strides in cutting off people like Milo as well as other hate leaders and hate groups from being able to use the Internet to grow their hateful movement. We’ve cut dozens of hate groups and white supremacist leaders off from platforms like PayPal and Eventbrite, got Milo Yiannopoulos’ big book deal with Simon & Schuster cancelled, and have chipped away at the presence of hate groups on social media. But there are still so many platforms for people like Milo to fundraise off their hate and spread their message - we need to continue to do the hard work needed to cut them off from their platforms.

Increasing our capacity allows us to be ready for these moments. And we know more off these moments will come. Hate leaders are already deep into organizing another “Unite the Right” event where leaked conversations show they plan to engage in violence again.7

Until justice is real, 

Brandi, Rashad, Arisha, Jade, Evan, Johnny, Future, Corina, Chad, Mary, Angela, Samantha, Saréya, Eesha, and the rest of the Color Of Change team

References :

  1. "Milo Yiannopoulos Encourages Vigilantes to Start ‘Gunning Journalists Down’," Observer, 26 June 2018
  2. Milo Yiannopoulos Fan Page, Facebook, 28 June 2018
  3. "Milo Yiannopoulos Harassed a Transgender Student at Her School," Teen Vogue, 16 December 2016
  4. "Twitter Bars Milo Yiannopoulos in Wake of Leslie Jones’s Reports of Abuse,"  New York Times, 20 July 2016
  5. "Milo Yiannopoulos’ Rise and Fall, From GamerGate to Pedophilia Comments (Photos)", The Wrap, 21 February 2017
  6. "Milo Yiannopoulos Encourages Vigilantes to Start ‘Gunning Journalists Down’," Observer, 26 June 2018
  7. "LEAKED : Violent Racists Use Facebook Chat To Plan ‘Unite The Right 2’," Unicorn Riot,  28 June 2018

Color Of Change is building a movement to elevate the voices of Black folks and our allies, and win real social and political change. Help keep our movement strong.

U.S : What can we do to help immigrant families ?

Dear friend,

Babies torn from their parents. Families thrown in cages. “Zero-tolerance”.

This has been a devastating week for immigrant families nationwide, and it can be overwhelming-- even for us-- to keep up with everything that’s happening. We want to help you rise above the noise of the daily news and give you concrete actions at your fingertips that you can take to support immigrant families in this crisis. Text the word FAMILIES to the number 225568 and we’ll send you organized, concise updates on actions you can take right to your phone on a weekly basis.

If you want to take action this weekend, join the “Families Belong Together” National Day of Action this Saturday, June 30th, which we’re joining MoveOn, ACLU, National Domestic Workers Alliance, and many other groups. You can find an action near you here: 

Trump has targeted Black and Brown people since before he was elected-- but mobilizations of the people have shut him down over and over, from the “No Muslim Ban” airport protests to the outcry that forced him to sign an executive order ending family separation last week.1,2 From Latin America to the Caribbean to the countries barred by the Muslim Ban, this Day of Action is our opportunity to show Black and Brown immigrants everywhere that we see their humanity and they do not stand alone.

If you can’t make it, text the word FAMILIES to the number 225568 and we’ll send you live photos from the action, and keep you updated on future things you can do to stand with Black and Brown people. By texting in, you can make sure you don’t get lost in the flood of daily news, and know exactly what actions to take to help protect children, parents and everyone else being targeted by Trump and his administration.

Thank you for standing up for what’s right. It’s people like you that history will record as the heroes, for spreading love in this time of hate.

For the families,

Jenni, Rashad, Arisha, Hope, Alicia W., Bhavik, Sonya, Reagan, Daniel, Scott and the Color Of Change Team

References :

  1. "A timeline of Trump's travel bans", CNN, 29 June 2018,
  2. "What Trump's family separation executive order aims to do, explained in a flowchart", Vox, 21 June 2018,

Color Of Change is building a movement to elevate the voices of Black folks and our allies, and win real social and political change. Help keep our movement strong.

Un texte du Français Dominique TEILLIER : LE PAYS D’ISSIGEAC..

Dans la lignée des témoignages et des pouvoirs. Dans la trace des lettres qui parlent de la solitude des hommes, du pays d’Issigeac dans lequel les personnages et les récits s’enferrent. Il est l’occasion, de souvenirs, de rêves, d’évènements et de fables.
Elégiaque, Une image où l’on aime la solitude des terres. A l’avant-garde d’une grande marche sous le soleil. Une république du chromatisme à faire entendre le son d’un pays dont le chant est un hymne.
Comme un exil, un univers, un souffle aux dimensions cosmiques de volonté résigné où se répand la senteur, le parfum des fleurs et du blé, échappant à la moiteur. Radieux de bonté qu’interrompt le silence. C’est le pays d’Issigeac !

Dominique TEILLIER.
le 27/06/2018

vendredi 29 juin 2018

Un texte de Patricia LARANCO (Moris/France) : LA VILLE EPOUSSETEE.

Époussetée de vent la ville
inspire/expire écartelée,
posée sur ses coussins obscurs
et pelucheux un peu moisis.
Quelle escapade
la lira ?
Qui escaladera son ciel haute voilure hissée si bleue ?
que vent sinueux
transparence désincarnée ;
n’est-elle rien
que quatre coins interchangeables par magie ?
N’est-elle que le vent qui traîne arrachant la peau des vitrines allongeant soudain le galop des ombres informes qui les peuplent
et qui tâtonnent à qui mieux mieux ?

Patricia Laranco

jeudi 28 juin 2018

AVAAZ : créons le pire cauchemar de TRUMP.

signez la pétition

Trump déteste les climatologues qui disent que les jours du charbon sont comptés. Mais s'il peut licencier ses scientifiques, il ne peut pas se débarrasser de nous! Aujourd'hui, nous pouvons faire du pire cauchemar de Trump une réalité en annulant les contrats d'assurance du charbon ! Les plus grands assureurs se réunissent bientôt et ils envisagent de se retirer de ce secteur -- aidons-les à franchir le pas ! 


Chères amies, chers amis, 

Avec Donald Trump aux commandes, le changement climatique est hors de contrôle -- mais aujourd'hui, nous pouvons faire de son pire cauchemar une réalité en annulant les contrats d'assurance du charbon !

Trump adore ces centrales à charbon qui menacent la vie sur Terre, mais c'est un secteur qui ne peut survivre sans assurances. De grandes compagnies commencent à abandonner le charbon à cause de la pression du public -- et nous pouvons amener Munich RE, un autre GÉANT des assurances, à suivre le mouvement.

Cela mettrait tout le secteur en état d'alerte ! Munich RE est en train de prendre sa décision en ce moment même. Dans quelques jours, ses dirigeants se rendent en Allemagne pour rencontrer leurs plus gros clients lors d'un forum professionnel. Accueillons-les avec un million de signatures, et remettons notre appel avec des panneaux publicitaires géants et des encarts dans les médias -- pour que la lubie de Trump pour le charbon ne détruise pas notre climat !

Les choses avancent vite ! La plus grande compagnie d'assurance du monde, Allianz, vient de promettre d'abandonner le charbon : c'est le moment idéal pour rallier un autre assureur !

Munich RE est le plus grand réassureur au monde -- il offre des garanties à des centaines de compagnies d'assurance -- ce qui veut dire qu'il a le pouvoir de signer l'arrêt de mort du charbon et des sables bitumineux ! Son PDG hésite encore. Mais il se préoccupe de sa réputation en matière de changement climatique et nous pouvons attirer son attention en faisant entendre un tollé avant cette importante réunion, chez lui, à Berlin !

Certains d'entre nous se préoccuperont peut-être des pertes d'emploi, mais les compagnies d'assurance préviennent longtemps à l'avance, suffisamment pour permettre la transition des travailleurs hors de ce secteur moribond -- qui a dernièrement recours à toujours plus de machines et de moins en moins de personnes de toute manière. Par ailleurs, les énergies renouvelables génèrent déjà des millions d'emplois dans le monde entier.

Nos gouvernements ne vont pas assez vite pour éviter la surchauffe de notre planète et si nous n'intervenons pas maintenant, nous laisserons à nos enfants un monde qui ne ressemblera en rien à celui que nous avons reçu. Mais nous avons désormais une arme secrète, alors utilisons-la pour sauver tout ce que nous aimons ! 

Cela fait désormais plus d'un an que Trump a fait sortir les États-Unis de l'Accord de Paris et nous ne pouvons pas rester les bras croisés en le regardant saccager tout ce pour quoi nous avons tant lutté. Mettons à profit ce triste anniversaire pour chambouler ses projets de construire un nouvel empire du charbon. Une fois que nous aurons rallié Munich RE, nous approcherons d'autres gros assureurs tels qu'AIG -- jusqu'à ce qu'il n'y ait plus assez d'entreprises pour diffuser le risque, ce qui signifierait la fin du charbon ET des sables bitumineux !

Avec espoir et détermination,  

Lisa, Bert, Daniel, Christoph, Danny, Camille et toute l'équipe d'Avaaz


Allianz n'assurera plus les centrales et mines associées au charbon
(BFM Business)

Le réassureur Munich Re hésite encore sur la sortie du charbon

Les sociétés d'assurance placent les changements climatiques dans le Top 3 des risques émergents (Actu Environnement)

La lutte contre le réchauffement climatique prend du retard !
(Sciences et Avenir)

Le Charbon prend de l'assurance
(Les Amis de la Terre)

est un réseau citoyen international de 47 millions de membres
 qui mène des campagnes visant à ce que les opinions et les valeurs des peuples pèsent sur les décisions mondiales. ("Avaaz" signifie "voix" dans de nombreuses langues). Nos membres sont issus de tous les pays du monde; notre équipe est répartie sur 18 pays et 6 continents et travaille dans 17 langues. Pour découvrir certaines de nos plus grandes campagnes, cliquez ici ou suivez-nous sur Facebook ou Twitter.

U.S : GREYHOUND is aiding in the separation of families and fueling the detention-to-deportation pipeline.

Greyhound is helping Border Patrol and ICE tear families apart.

Call Greyhound and demand they stop allowing Border Patrol to conduct warrantless searches on their buses !

Dear friend. 

Greyhound is voluntarily allowing Border Patrol agents to board their buses so that they can racially profile passengers. In doing so, Greyhound is willfully exposing passengers to harassment and state sanctioned violence.  

Greyhound is allowing U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agents to conduct warrantless searches on their buses in order to check passengers immigration status, a tactic that is all too reminiscent of when we were required to carry “freedom papers” on our person at all times to move freely in public. With Trump ramping-up his anti-immigration policies and encouraging ICE to racially profile people, the consequences of these searches are becoming more and more dire. It is resulting in Black and Latin people being unnecessarily detained for days as well as fueling Trump’s detention-to-deportation pipeline that is tearing families apart. Greyhound has the legal right and the responsibility to stop ICE agents from boarding their buses.

Greyhound has a legal right to deny Border Patrol agents from boarding their buses but are doing everything they can to say this is simply out of their hands. Greyhound has gone on the record and said, “...we are required to comply with the law by allowing Border Patrol agents to board our buses when they ask to do so…”,1 but this isn’t accurate. 10 state chapters of the American Civil Liberties Union as well as 23 members of Congress informed Greyhound earlier this year that they are not required to comply with Border Patrol and they have a 4th amendment right to deny warrantless searches like these on their buses.2 As Rep. Joaquin Castro of Texas, who led the Congressional letter, stated :

“ granting consent to CBP agents to board buses to inquire about immigration status, Greyhound exposes its passengers to frequent violations of their constitutional rights to be free from warrantless searches and seizures, racial profiling, and harassment.”3

Greyhound needs to immediately change their policies and use their right to protect the people on their buses.

Border Patrol is disproportionately targeting Black and Latin passengers on Greyhound buses for immigration checks and detainment. Just last week it was announced that a Latino man in Washington state filed a $75,000 claim against Border Patrol after he was racially profiled, illegally detained and threatened with deportation while traveling on a Greyhound bus.4Earlier this year, Border Patrol agents detained a DACA recipient on a Greyhound bus and lied to him, telling him his DACA status was expired because “Trump took that away”.5 The actions of Border Patrol create a toxic and dangerous environment for Greyhound customers and by ignoring legal advice and allowing them to continue to carry out immigration raids, Greyhound is forcing their passengers into a detention-to-deportation pipeline.

Until justice is real, 

Brandi, Rashad, Arisha, Jade, Evan, Johnny, Future, Corina, Chad, Mary, Angela, Samantha, Saréya, Eesha, and the rest of the Color Of Change team

References :

  1. "Statement Regarding CBP", Greyhound, 20 June 2018
  2. "ACLU Affiliate Letter to Greyhound", ACLU of Maine, 21 March 2018
  3. "Greyhound Letter", Office of Rep. Joaquin Castro, 13 June 2018
  4. "Wash. state man files $75,000 claim against Border Patrol", KEPR TV, 21 June 2018
  5. "Father, son with DACA detained on Greyhound bus by Border Patrol in Spokane", KOMO News, 12 January 2018

Color Of Change is building a movement to elevate the voices of Black folks and our allies, and win real social and political change. Help keep our movement strong.