mardi 18 août 2020

U.S (Maine) : You will not believe what Susan COLLINS said.

Dear friend,

Susan Collins went on Fox News to complain that people who are criticizing her for voting with Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell are . . . wait for it . . . sexist.

"I've never been more offended," she said.1

Are you serious, Susan Collins ?! You help Trump pack the courts and put Roe v. Wade and voting rights on the chopping block, but we're the sexists ? And after all the racism, misogyny, and hatred from Donald Trump, this is what you find most offensive ?

Susan Collins has no shame. She must go. And the latest polls show her narrowly trailing her Democratic opponent. But with usual campaign tactics like rallies and door-knocking on hold during the pandemic, we must find new ways to fight back and share the truth about Collins. That's why UltraViolet PAC is raising funds to target 100,000 Maine voters with ads about Susan Collins's betrayal of women.

Susan Collins is being criticized because her votes have put the lives and well-being of Black, Brown, and Indigenous women, immigrants, and LGBTQ folks in danger.

She voted to change the rules of the Senate to help Trump pack the courts with right-wing, anti-abortion Supreme Court justices. She voted for Trump's $2 trillion tax scam, a massive transfer of wealth to corporations and wealthy, white men instead of to the millions of families who need it more. She voted for Trump’s worst cabinet nominees, including Attorney General Bill Barr. She voted to acquit Trump of impeachment because she said he had "learned his lesson."2

The good news is that Susan Collins is in deep, deep trouble for reelection. Her approval rating has dropped by dozens of points since she cast the deciding vote for Brett Kavanaugh, and she is among the least-popular senators in the entire country.

Yet rather than own up to her record of sacrificing the well-being of women and families to appease Trump, Collins is attacking constituents who are demanding she do better.

Since we're unable to organize traditional campaign tactics like door-to-door canvassing and in-person campaign events, we’re running digital ads targeting 100,000 of likely-Democratic Maine voters, reminding them of exactly that this fall. Will you chip in ?

Shaunna, KaeLyn, Kathy, Melody, Pam, Lindsay, Sonja, Kimberly, Maria, Katie, and Elisa, the UltraViolet PAC team.

Sources :

Want to support our work ? UltraViolet PAC is funded by members like you, and our tiny staff ensures small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.

 UltraViolet PAC
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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