It has been a very tough few months for gray wolves.
In Montana, the state's Republican-controlled legislature passed a series of bills that will expand trapping and wolf hunting in the state. A bill that would create "wolf bounties" is on the verge of being signed into law right now. We organized hundreds of contacts into Montana's governor and legislature opposing these bills, testified in committee hearings, and are working with our coalition partners to fight them at the next step.
Make your gift to protect gray wolves from hunting and trapping by protecting them under the Endangered Species Act.
Outside of the Northern Rockies, we are organizing and mobilizing to persuade Interior Secretary Haaland and President Biden to rescind the Trump wolf delisting. In one of the Trump Administration's final attacks on wildlife, it stripped gray wolves across the lower-48 states of Endangered Species Act protections. This led to the brutal killing of more than 200 wolves in Wisconsin in just three days this February. Michigan and Minnesota are on the verge of permitting hunting and trapping in their borders.
Gray wolves need the Endangered Species Act and we're fighting to get those protections back.
Your support has already made a difference. Thanks to you, our Northern Rockies Representative worked for months to organize opposition to a proposal to expand the use of deadly and indiscriminate neck snares in a region of Idaho that borders Yellowstone National Park.
We’ve just learned that our grassroots organizing succeeded ! The Idaho Fish & Game Commission rejected this outrageous proposal—preventing a terrible threat to wolves and other wildlife that move in and out of Yellowstone.
Support the protection of gray wolves with a tax-deductible gift today.
This victory keeps indiscriminate snaring off of public land in this region of Idaho, protecting the wolves and other wildlife–and even dogs out hiking with their people–that use these wild spaces. And just as importantly–winning builds power. In addition to stopping snaring on these public lands, we helped block another proposal to open trapping in the Sun Valley area of Idaho. We aren't going anywhere, and we'll continue to loudly and persistently advocate for gray wolves.
The support from our activists has led to good news, friend, but very serious threats remain. I hope I can count on your support to build continued success in recovering and protecting gray wolves across the country.
Thank you for your commitment to wildlife and wild places.
Leda Huta
Executive Director
Endangered Species Coalition
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