mercredi 15 mars 2023

U.S (The Climate Reality Project) : WILLOW PROJECT.




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The climate crisis is already upon us. We're out of time for delays and exceptions. End of story.

Approval of ConocoPhillip’s Willow project deepens and prolongs US dependence on oil and gas and will fuel the catastrophic climate impacts already overwhelming ecosystems, jeopardizing the health of our communities, and costing us hundreds of billions of dollars.

This move also slows the transition to a clean energy economy – in direct contradiction of the Biden Administration’s stated economic, climate, and justice goals.

We’re disappointed, but we’re not giving up.

2023 will be a make-or-break year for fighting this crisis. Fossil fuel interests may claim to be with us in the fight for a sustainable future, but in reality, they’re battling to keep our economy and our planet dependent on their products. But we know without a doubt that a safe and sustainable future depends on leaving fossil fuels behind and making a truly just transition to clean energy.

As part of our grassroots movement, your voice is critical in the fight to protect our progress and move quickly toward these crucial goals. Join us today by taking one of the actions below :

Demand stronger standards for particulate pollution >>
Urge the EPA to strengthen the proposed limits for particulate matter emissions to save nearly 15,000 lives and over $9.5 billion.

Demand JPMorgan Chase denounce, divest and defund Formosa Plastics’ toxic and racist petrochemical complex >>
Join us in demanding JPMorgan Chase not fund the “Sunshine Project,” a proposed $12 billion, 2,400-acre petrochemical complex slated to be built in St. James Parish, Louisiana.

Demand that State Treasurers and public pensions vote for climate justice and Indigenous rights this spring >>
Join the coalition demanding that Wall Street banks and insurance companies vote YES on four shareholder proposals related to climate justice and Indigenous rights.

Thank you for everything you do for our planet,



Your friends at Climate Reality.





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©2023 The Climate Reality Project














The Climate Reality Project
555 11th Street NW
Suite 601
Washington, DC 20004
United States

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