mardi 16 octobre 2018

Sadek RUHMALY pays a poetic tribute to the recently deceased mauritian journalist and photographer Noor Adam ESSACK.


One of our Special Souls traveled to another Space and Dimension - Noor Adam Essack
Noor had immortalised our smiles and startled expressions,
An attention to exquisite detail ...
Spotting the traits and contours on the Mirror of Souls ...
Ad Infinitum... 
Infinitude in a multitude of Nuances of our Spirit.
Akin to the sparkling shades of Rose Petals.
A Soul that inspires the Caring touch of Other Hearts...
A Whiter Shade of Pale in our Time lock.
What a soul wrenching sensitivity as the caring anguish...
In the face of unusual Silence...
Humanity is redeemed by the Heart's Apprehension...
Inspired Premonitions...
Justified Anguish...
Our Friends , as exquisite fragrant petals, sensed a fragile Rose in our Garden of Life.
In the Abyss of Human Folly, lies the fragile Beauty of Loving Care for Others...
Noor is Light...
In the Blurred Time Scale of our Day,
A Few found the Window to peep outside our Worries,
A few found the Way to that Door of Silence,
A few shattered our Despondent Conscience,
A few brought Light of Hope...
Our Friends claimed Family Status.
Noor shed Light onto a Simple Truth - Caring is Sharing.
We share the Warmth of our Emotions...
Beyond the Sensations of Life's Multitudes.
Noor revealed our Frailty and our Magnanimity all in One. 
We all silently hope that our Unusual Silences shall be a Howling Cry to some...
A Solace and Comfort in the Folly of Maddening Crowds...
Fragrant Souls are Exquisite Flowers in the Garden of Our Existence.


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