lundi 12 août 2024



JBS is the world's largest meat producer -- and one of the biggest drivers of Amazon deforestation and illegal grabs of Indigenous land.

Now it's gearing up to go public -- and expand its empire of forest destruction, corruption, and fraud.

We can’t let that happen. Sign the petition to stop JBS before it’s too late for the Amazon :

 Sign the petition 

The Batista family has built the biggest meat company in the world --

by decimating the Amazon. Their suppliers have stolen land from 

Indigenous communities and deforested areas of this precious forest 

the size of small countries.

But the billions they've made aren't enough for them. They're 

finally taking their company, JBS, public, hoping to have Wall Street 

fill their pockets even more and expand their destruction of the 

forest for more and more and more cattle grazing land.

We can stop them.

Public pressure has already delayed their plans, and insiders say the 

whole thing could fall apart with another push. If we can build a 

massive, global anti-JBS petition and pair it with headline-grabbing 

media tactics, we could stop these planet-destroyers from securing 

this massive new financing...then take the fight to Brazil to stop their 

Amazon destruction. Join in :

Click to STOP this Amazon destroying meat company!

We’ve won against JBS before – like when we got Quebec's public 

pension fund manager to stop investing in JBS after we exposed its 

role in destroying the Amazon. This time, we can block JBS’ most 

ambitious move ever and protect the Amazon…but we all need to 

come together, and fast.

 Sign the petition 

Thanks for all that you do,

Fatah, Danny and the team at Ekō

More information :

Stock Markets
The New York Times 31 January 2024.

Lawmakers Urge
Bloomberg 09 January 2024.




Ekō is a community of people from around the world committed to curbing the growing power of corporations. We want to buy from, work for and invest in companies that respect the environment, treat their workers well and respect democracy. And we’re not afraid to stand up to them when they don’t.

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