samedi 10 août 2024

Game on ! Celebrate these 3 Olympians of the ocean ! 🏅🌊 (ONLY ONE).


Only One


The 2024 Summer Olympics are in full swing, so there’s no better time to champion some of our favorite aquatic athletes from around the world — with the simple steps you can take to protect them. 

Puffin on a rock, with bright orange feet and beak

🥇 Common Puffin

Marathon Medalist of the Atlantic

Over the summer, these migratory seabirds travel thousands of miles along the European coast to establish breeding grounds, with Irish populations covering distances greater than that of any other puffin. 

But rising sea temperatures and declining fish stocks threaten their survival.

Raise your voice to help protect their habitat →

Dolphin smiling sticking its head out of the water

🥇 Bottlenose Dolphin

Gymnast of the Mediterranean

Known for their aerial acrobatics, bottlenose dolphins can jump up to 20 feet out of the water and even perform backflips and somersaults!

But their agility isn’t enough to protect them from destructive fishing practices — sadly, bottlenose dolphins and other cetaceans are often swept up in industrial fishing nets.

Add your name to support a ban on bottom trawling in EU marine protected areas →

Emperor penguin standing tall on Antarctic ice

🥇 Emperor Penguin

The Southern Ocean’s Resident Diver

Not only can the world’s largest penguin hold its breath for as long as a half hour, these tuxedo-clad divers can plunge deeper than 1,500 feet in pursuit of a meal.  

Help secure their habitat as part of the largest act of ocean protection in history →

You can learn more about the Olympic-worthy efforts underway to protect our ocean made possible by your support in this incredible piece by Lead Ambassador Matthew Underwater and Splash member Sneha Devaraj. And if you’re ready to take the next step in your advocacy for the ocean, you can join Sneha in The Splash, our community of social media activists.

Waves of Impact: The Only One Story | Click to read now

Here’s to a healthy ocean for all,

The Only One Team.

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