samedi 11 novembre 2023

US (RASHIDA TLAIB FOR CONGRESS) : Add your name to Tell CONGRESS not to fund THE GAZA GENOCIDE with our tax dollars and to oppose unconditional funding to Israel military !






Many U.S. Congresspeople have told us for years that they can’t find the money for healthcare, housing, childcare, education, or other basic things Americans need.

But now most Members of Congress want to send billions of our tax dollars to fund the genocide of Palestinians.

An overwhelming majority of Americans support a ceasefire, but people’s First Amendment rights are being wiped away for saying that children deserve to live. Congress (including 22 Democrats) voted to censure me this week for speaking out against war crimes.

We cannot let people suppress our voices. We must do everything possible to save lives.

Sign now to tell Democrats in Congress: Listen to the vast majority of American people demanding a ceasefire. No more war crimes in our names or with our tax dollars!

Most Americans are against oppression and human rights violations, and want the killing to stop. The answer to war crimes must not be more war crimes.

Let’s continue to speak up to say : Not on our watch. Not in our name ! We won’t be intimidated, and we will not be silent.

In solidarity, 







Rashida Tlaib for Congress
PO Box 32777
Detroit, MI 48232 
Rashida Tlaib for Congress

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