jeudi 28 octobre 2021





Funding for expanded anti-hunger programs is on the chopping block. We need 10,000 advocates to write to our lawmakers before October 31 – please send a message right now!

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Friend, Congress is considering legislation that could get food to kids who need it – but lifesaving programs that should be included and funded in the legislation are currently on the chopping block.

We need to speak up NOW.

That’s why we’ve set a goal of sending 10,000 letters to our senators and representatives by October 31. Will you take a few minutes to write to your lawmakers right now?

Tell Congress : Do NOT cut funding for programs from the reconciliation bill that will help kids facing hunger !


Victoria visits El Centro Hispano’s mobile pantry in White Plains, NY, along with her mom, Paola.

Right now, Congress is debating the size and scope of a reconciliation bill that contains funding to expand the anti-hunger programs that families need.

That funding could be on the chopping block as negotiations continue. As 12 million kids face hunger this year, our lawmakers must prioritize our nation’s most important hunger-fighting programs !

Speaking to your lawmakers is one of the most important things you can do, friend. They need friendto know that families across the country count on these programs.

These programs make a real difference in the lives of children and families in our communities :

Urge your lawmakers to keep funding for crucial food assistance programs in the reconciliation bill. When Feeding America supporters like you speak up, we win.And our lawmakers must hear from as many constituents as possible before they vote on the reconciliation bill.

Thank you for being a champion in the fight against hunger.


Amirio Freeman
Advocacy Manager
Feeding America.

The Juggernaut Project is a rapidly growing movement of regular people coming together to fight for progressive change. We use grassroots campaigning and digital advertising to make our voices heard by elected officials and other decision makers. Your activism and support make our campaigns possible. If you value our hard-hitting advocacy campaigns, please consider making a contribution here.
















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