jeudi 25 juillet 2024

Ghana (EKO) : MARS’s shady secret.



A person cuts open a cocoa bean with a machete.


In Ghana, five-year-olds are harvesting cocoa with machetes 

almost as big as they are for Mars to make Snicker bars and 

m&m’s. Instead of going to school these kids risk chopping off 

their fingers so their families can scrape a living.

Meanwhile, the chocolate giant is cashing in billions in profit 

off child labour, blaming a complicated supply chain and 

claiming there’s no proof.

But that’s going to change now – with your help.

A group of brave lawyers is for the first time able to identify with 

100% certainty which cocoa suppliers use child labour. All 

this team needs is enough resources to gather all the evidence 

and build a case in court. If it wins, it would set a huge 

precedent for the chocolate industry.

If all of us chip in even a tiny amount, we can give this brave 

team a standing chance against one of the richest companies 

in the United States and kickstart meaningful change for 

children working the plantations in Ghana and beyond – are you 

in ?

There are still more than 1.5 million children labouring on cocoa 

farms in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana which together produce nearly 

60% of the world’s cocoa. 

Mars boasts that it rescues thousands of kids in Ghana, keeping 

them in school and off cocoa plantations, even handing out 

backpacks and pencils. But a recent media investigation showed 

the scheme is a sham – some of the children listed by Mars as 

being back at school were still working in the fields.

The global chocolate giant has denied and deflected accusations 

of child labour in their supply chain time and again. But our 

partners have now have a whistleblower embedded with a 

major cocoa company in Ghana who is able to identify cocoa 

plantations for specific companies where children are labouring 


The only way to win this is to present this shameless company 

with irrefutable proof in court to force them to face up to – and 

fix – its child labour problem. With enough donations, we can 

make sure that the legal team is able to do just that.

We’ve stood up to massive corporate giants like McDonalds and 

PepsiCo, and forced them to adopt more sustainable palm oil 

practices, saving rainforest and protecting wildlife. Now let’s 

help these lawyers take on Mars and help these kids get their 

childhood back. Are you in ?

Thanks for all that you do,

Rosa, Vicky, and the Ekō team.

More information :

November 2023.

child labor in CBS investigation. USA Today 01 December 


Ekō is a worldwide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy.

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