samedi 13 juillet 2024



A person standing on dry, drought-stricken land holds their hand under a tap catching droplets of water.

A handful of US investors have been caught buying up rights to 

crucial rivers so they can make millions out of water shortages as 

climate change worsens.

Even by Wall Street standards, it’s an evil plan – seize vital water 

sources, and then as supplies shrivel, sell the water back to desperate 

people at sky-high prices. We can end it now.

There's a new bill to ban this kind of water trading – meaning 

hedge funds and financiers could never profit off of ordinary people’s 


If enough of us chip in the cost of a coffee we can launch a mega 

campaign to show that people everywhere back the move to protect 

our water – sending campaigners to Washington for an intense 

lobbying push, targeting wavering senators with a blitz of ads 

and  commissioning polls to demonstrate widespread support during 

this tight election year.

Water is a basic life source – it belongs to us, not the highest bidder. 

Can you chip in now to stop Wall Street’s water grab ?

We’ve seen this before : during Covid and the financial crisis

private investors raked in millions betting against ordinary people’s 


Making money while the world burns is the mantra – and they’ll 

keep doing it as long as they’re allowed.

That’s why this is such a pivotal moment. If we can win rigorous 

legislation now, it won’t just protect people’s fundamental right to 

water, but set a crucial precedent for other essential resources too. 

And if the US moves, governments across the world are sure to 


Political momentum for this bill is rapidly growing. With your 

help we can showcase huge public support for it too – bringing in 

the voices of people everywhere who say NO to a world where 

hedge funds control our access to waterCan you chip in now ?

Thanks for all that you do,

Yasmin and the Ekō team.

More information :

trade in water rights The Guardian 18 April 2024.
Elizabeth Warren 18 April 2024.
on America’s drought The Guardian 16 April 2024.



Ekō is a worldwide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy.

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