vendredi 19 juillet 2024



A baby orangutan nibbling on greenery.

The palm oil industry is behind a new scheme the Malaysian 

government just announced to capture, cage and gift orangutans to 

countries that buy huge amounts of its palm oil.

We need your help to shut it down for good !

Our team has taken on the palm oil industry before – and won. They’

re ready to hit the ground running…and with just 5000 of us 

chipping in the cost of a coffee, we could :

* Launch a campaign targeting key trade countries in Europe and 

beyond, pushing our political leaders to denounce the scheme and 

promote Orangutan-friendly trade;

* Commission research to uncover, then expose the companies 

behind this and other projects that would increase deforestation 

for palm oil;

* Work with grassroots groups to lobby governments and build 

up pressure inside Malaysia to drop this terrible scheme, stop the 

expansion of plantations – and more !

Together we can keep the pressure on until we get this scheme 

scrapped for good. Can you chip in to help ?

This “orangutan diplomacy” plan couldn’t be a worse idea : 

Orangutans are already critically endangered – and now this will 

be another incentive for producers to slash and burn more forests in 

Borneo to make palm oil.

Malaysia is the world’s second largest producer of palm oil. If we 

don’t act now to stop this scheme the palm oil industry will get 

exactly what it wants : bigger palm oil plantations right in the 

heart of Orangutans’ forests.

But we can stop it before it’s too late for the orangutans, and the 

forests they need to live.

Ekō members have powered our fights against the palm oil industry 

before – and thanks to you all we’ve won big ! Like when we helped 

the Moi people fight to protect a New York City-sized swathe of 

Indonesian rainforest from predatory palm oil companies or when we 

forced Pepsi to change it's palm oil sourcing policy.  We’re ready to 

do it again – all we need now to pull it off is your help. Can you chip 

in the cost of coffee to save the orangutans ? 

Thanks for all that you do,

Yasmin, Deborah and the Ekō team.

More information :

Discover Wildlife 14 May 2024.

BBC 08 May 2024.


Ekō is a worldwide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy.

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