samedi 24 octobre 2020

U.S : [petition alert] Breonna TAYLOR grand jury member is speaking out !





In a rare move, a grand juror is speaking out and confirming what we knew already — Daniel Cameron sided with killer cops.


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He has to go now ! 




Dear friend, have you heard the latest in the Breonna Taylor case ?


A grand juror from the case is speaking out and revealing the lengths to which Attorney General Daniel Cameron went to ensure Breonna’s murderers got away with killing her.1


1. Cameron never presented the grand jury with the option to charge the officers with murder. Here’s part of what the grand jury member had to say :


“The grand jury did not have homicide offenses explained to them. The grand jury never heard anything about those laws. Self-defense or justification was never explained either."


2. Cameron lied to the public about the case. On September 23, Cameron said "the grand jury agreed" that the two officers who opened fire from Breonna Taylor’s doorway were justified.2 But here’s what the grand juror had to say about that :


“The grand jury didn't agree that certain actions were justified, nor did it decide the indictment [wanton endangerment charges] should be the only charges in the Breonna Taylor case."


It is clear that the grand jury did not believe the killer cops were justified and wanted to press more charges — but Cameron simply never gave them the option. Daniel Cameron ran a botched grand jury process with the intended purpose of letting Breonna Taylor’s killer walk away scot-free. 


We’ll say it until we’re blue in the face : Daniel Cameron has to go !

We need a new special prosecutor now. Demand Daniel Cameron recuses himself and assign a special prosecutor to this case.


Unfortunately, Daniel Cameron is the only person who can appoint a special prosecutor in Kentucky. Yes, Cameron, the same prosecutor who denied Bre justice once already ! 


So, here’s what we have to do, dear friend : We have to do everything in our power to make the stakes high for Daniel Cameron, an elected official, where he has no choice but to answer our demands. And today, that starts with signing the petition and getting your friends to do the same :



We fight for Breonna, her family, Louisville, and all Black women and girls who are taken by police violence. Thanks for staying in the fight.


Until justice is real, 






Scott, Rashad, Arisha, Erika, Marybeth, Malachi, Ernie, Leonard, Madison, Ariel, Ericka, Ana, and the rest of the Color Of Change team.




















Resources :






1. "Breonna Taylor grand jury members say they were not presented with homicide charges." ABC News. 20 October 2020.

2. "Read what Daniel Cameron said about the grand jury's findings in the Breonna Taylor case." Louisville Courier Journal. 23 September 2020 

Color Of Change is building a movement to elevate the voices of Black folks and our allies, and win real social and political change. Please help keep our movement strong.

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