mercredi 4 juillet 2018

U.S : Maxine WATERS is under attack-- join us, Shaun KING & Alicia GARZA & fight back !

Dear friend,

Since writing to you last week that Rep. Maxine Waters is the hero this country needs and deserves, the Trump Administration and far right have used every dirty tactic in the book to threaten and silence her. The death threats against her person have become so severe that Maxine has canceled her events in Texas and Alabama.1

We want to stand with Maxine Waters through this, and show her that, although this is a difficult time right now, we have her back. Will you donate $3 today so we can continue to run campaigns that support Maxine Waters and stand against hate?

The ugly truth is that this is not new. Black women are not safe in America on or offline. Ever. Threats, insults, attacks and attempts at censorship that Rep. Maxine Waters is enduring are the type of harassment that Black women are all too familiar with. Too often, threats leveled against Black women are taken less seriously and without intervention.

But we won’t stand for it anymore.

We at Color Of Change believe that Black women deserve better. And we have a plan to make that happen

With your help, we want to raise funds to :
  1. Amplify the stories of Black women and supporters of Maxine Waters through our #BeLikeMaxine campaign.
  2. Help us to ensure that the over 35,000 Color Of Change member messages of support for Maxine not only gets delivered to her, but to Members of Congress who should be taking her lead when it comes to courage.
  3. Go after the corporate enablers and advertisers that keep bigots, inciters of violence and hate-mongers on the air.
  4. Push back against Silicon Valley platforms that create unsafe conditions for Black women.

Republicans stole a supreme court seat that led to the Supreme Court passing the Trump’s #MuslimBan last week. The Trump Administration stole babies from their parents, put them in cages and called them summer camps last week. In light of these disgusting acts, Waters demanded that we “push back” on them2.

She is right. We've made a video featuring a list of leaders who agree with Maxine Waters that civility won’t save us, including dream hampton, Ashlee Marie Preston, Alicia Garza, Ijeoma Oluo, Melody Ehsani, Patrisse Cullors, Rashad Robinson, Linda Sarsour, Winnie Wong, Shaun King, Brandi Collins-Dexter, Amber J. Phillips, Jennicet Eva Gutierrez and Dr. Melina Abdullah. Click here to watch the video and donate $3 to stand with these amazing leaders.

Until justice is real,

Arisha, Brandi, Johnny, Evan, Future, Mary, Scott, and the rest of the Color Of Change Team

References :

1. "Rep. Maxine Waters cancels event after 'very serious death threat'. Washington Post, June 28 2018
2. "Be careful what you wish for Max!'; Trump takes aim at Waters after she calls for public harassment of his Cabinet". Washington Post, June 25 2018

Color Of Change is building a movement to elevate the voices of Black folks and our allies, and win real social and political change. Help keep our movement strong.

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