mardi 25 avril 2023

U.S (RASHIDA TLAIB FOR CONGRESS) : This case could criminalize journalism :






I am leading a fight to protect the freedom of the press. That's why I organized a letter from members of Congress to the U.S. Department of Justice to drop charges against Julian Assange.

While President, Donald Trump charged Assange for publishing information on Wikileaks about the U.S. State Department, Guantanamo Bay, and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan -- true information which was also published by newspapers like the New York Times and Washington Post.

These charges against Assange threaten our First Amendment right to free speech, setting a frightening precedent that journalists and newspapers could be prosecuted for doing their jobs.

That’s why leading global newspapers and human rights organizations have called to drop the charges, which the U.S. Department of Justice can halt at any moment by simply dropping the charges against Mr. Assange.

Please add your name to join the call to Attorney General Merrick Garland: Protect our right to free speech and a free press by dropping Trump-era charges against Julian Assange.

As Chip Gibbons, the Policy Director of Defending Rights & Dissent, said :

“When the Trump Administration brought unprecedented Espionage Act charges against Julian Assange for doing what journalists do every day, they put the First Amendment in peril.”

This case could criminalize the very act of journalism.

We need Attorney General Merrick Garland to uphold the First Amendment’s protections for the freedom of the press by dropping the criminal charges against Julian Assange and withdrawing the U.S. extradition request with the British government.

Sign now to demand the U.S. Department of Justice uphold our constitutional right to free speech.

Thank you,


Rashida Tlaib for Congress
PO Box 32777
Detroit, MI 48232 
  Rashida Tlaib for Congress

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