jeudi 27 avril 2023

U.S (WIN WITHOUT WAR) : BIDEN has continued this inhumane TRUMP policy :




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Friend : Under Trump, a cruel immigration system tore thousands of families apart, leaving children to face the unknown alone. 

Years later, and despite promises of change, President Biden is failing migrant kids. Explosive reporting from The New York Times details how the Biden administration repeatedly ignored evidence that THOUSANDS of children have been exploited and forced into punishing jobs — working overnight in slaughterhouses, replacing roofs, operating dangerous machinery in factories, and more.[1]

We know foreign policy doesn’t happen in a vacuum; it builds out of and is reinforced by our domestic priorities. What’s happening to these migrant kids is just a broken system working as designed, and a clear reminder that we must fight for justice no matter who or what party is in power.

As President Biden ramps up his re-election campaign, we have a critical moment to build something better. To do it, we’re launching advocacy and grassroots campaigns to leverage our assets : our activist base (you !), our relentless lobbying team, our access to the press, and more. Together, we can turn the tide on a broken status quo that exacerbates instability and suffering across the globe, including within U.S. borders. Are you with us ?

Everyone has the right to seek safety, no matter where we are born. At Win Without War, we’ll fight for justice, whether that means taking on Democrats or Republicans. Can you fuel our work to build security and a brighter future for people everywhere by rushing a $4 donation now?

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Our broken foreign policy and failing immigration system are a bipartisan problem. Today, nearly 90 million people across the globe have left their homes to seek refuge from violent conflicts, climate change, and political persecution – some of which the United States has exacerbated. 

Despite this immense need, President Biden has kept the lid on the refugee cap and has fought to maintain Title 42, a Trump-era policy that deports asylum seekers seeking refuge from violence and instability. Meanwhile in Congress, the GOP-led House has failed to advance legislation that would keep as many as 78,000 Afghan refugees safe from deportation.

That’s not all. Every year, billions of dollars prop up a system of violence at the southern U.S. border — walls, guns, tear gas, and mass surveillance. Let’s be clear : NONE of these policies nor these BILLIONS are building a world that keeps kids and families safe. 

Friend, it doesn’t have to be this way. We CAN fight against family separation and child exploitation while also working to reform U.S. foreign policy to be a force for peace and human security. 

Only organizations that challenge both Republicans and Democrats can bring people and power together to WIN. And whether it’s working to stop the Iraq War, end U.S.complicity in Yemen, or demilitarize the border, we’ve never shied away from pushing back on our enemies and holding our friends accountable. 

There will be no peaceful foreign policy without a peaceful domestic policy. Change comes from the bottom up, and we are committed to organizing and mobilizing enough people to turn the tide toward peace. Fighting on two fronts requires massive resources. Can you chip in a few dollars now to fuel this work ?

We are stronger when we are together — and we need you with us, friend. We rely on small-dollar grassroots donations to help us keep fighting with everything we’ve got. Can you chip in $4 today?

In 2023, it is increasingly important for organizations like Win Without War to defend and protect ALL communities who are at risk. We hope you join us in this crucial work.

Thank you for working for peace,



Annika, Shayna, Sam, and the Win Without War team.






[1] The New York Times, "As Migrant Children Were Put to Work, U.S. Ignored Warnings"






A U.S. foreign policy rooted in human rights and justice won’t happen overnight.
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Win Without War is a 501(c)4 organization and donations are not tax deductible. If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution, please visit the Win Without War Education Fund here.
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1 Thomas Circle NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20005
(202) 656-4999 | 

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